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A Discordbot written in Javascript using discord.js v14 working with (/) commands. Developed and hosted by: Ballaual#2515 / @ ballaual.


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🤖 DiCoBo 🤖

Size Stars Fork Stars Version License


Set the correct permissions

When inviting the Bot make sure it has the following OAuth Scopes set in the Discord Developer Portal.

Manage Roles
Manage Channels
Kick Members
Ban Members
Manage Nicknames
Read Messages/View Channels
Send Messages
Send Messages in Threads
Manage Messages
Embed Links
Attach Files
Read Message History
Use External Emojis
Add Reactions
Move Members
Use Voice Activity


  1. Nodejs>=18.15.0: Download
  2. Git: Download
  3. Discord Bot Token: Get it here
  4. Discord Bot ClientId: Get it here

Server installation instructions

  • Windows
using CMD
  1. Open CMD using WIN + R and type cmd and hit ENTER
  2. Run git clone
  3. Run cd DiCoBo
  4. Run npm i to install the required modules
  5. Run cd config to navigate into the config folder
  6. Copy or Rename config.json.example to config.json
  7. Edit config.json - see here
  8. Run cd .. to navigate into the root folder of the bot
  9. Run npm start to start the bot
  • To update the bot run npm run update
without using CMD
  1. Download latest release from here
  2. Unzip the files using WinRAR or any other package manager
  3. Navigate into the folder DiCoBo\scripts
  4. Execute install.bat to install the required modules
  5. Navigate into the folder DiCoBo\config
  6. Copy or Rename config.json.example to config.json
  7. Edit config.json - see here
  8. Navigate into the folder DiCoBo\scripts
  9. Execute startbot.bat to start the bot
  • To update the bot execute the update.bat
  • Linux
Debian >=10
  1. As root: Create a new user useradd -m -s /bin/bash DiCoBo
  2. Login as DiCoBo using su - DiCoBo
  3. Run git clone
  4. Run cd DiCoBo
  5. Run npm i to install the required modules
  6. Run cd config to navigate into the config folder
  7. Run cp config.json.example config.json
  8. Edit config.json using nano or vim - see here
  9. Run cd .. to navigate into the root folder of the bot
  10. Run npm start to start the bot
  • To update the bot run npm run update
using systemd
  1. Follow the guide from Debian installation guide until step 7
  2. As root: Navigate to systemd's folder using cd /etc/systemd/system/
  3. Create a new file called DiCoBo.service
  4. Insert following code

Description=DiCoBo Discordbot

ExecStart=node .


  1. Run systemctl daemon-reload to reload systemd's configs
  2. Run systemctl enable DiCoBo to enable autostart
  3. Run systemctl start DiCoBo to start the bot

Note: From now on the bot will always run in background and will automatically start when the machine gets rebooted.
To stop the bot run systemctl stop DiCoBo
To disable the autostart run systemctl disable DiCoBo

  • Update the bot: cd /home/DiCoBo/DiCoBo/scripts && npm run update

Edit the config file

Please make sure to fill every field marked as *required because they are mandatory for the main functions of the bot! Otherwise the bot won't start and / or might crash at some point if these information are missing.

  • Required values
  • token
  • clientId
  • ownerId
  • invite
  • github
  • paypal
  • Optional values
  • ytcookie
  • A tutorial video for ytcookie can be found here


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your fork: git clone
  3. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b <branch-name>
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -m <commit message>
  5. Push to the branch: git push -u origin <branch-name>
  6. Submit a pull request

Author & Contact


Released under the MIT License

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people!


💻 ⚠️ 🤔 🚇


A Discordbot written in Javascript using discord.js v14 working with (/) commands. Developed and hosted by: Ballaual#2515 / @ ballaual.




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