Disclaimer: This will never be a fully standards conformant svg renderer, because that includes THE ENTIRE HTML SPEC
Want to use simple SVGs with curves in your Löve game?
Try it with love ./
while in the project folder and you should see this:
function love.load ()
svg_parser = require("lvg.svg_parser") --you only need one of these
shapes_svg = svg_parser:load_svg("assets/test.svg")
bananicorn_svg = svg_parser:load_svg("assets/bananicorn.svg")
initial_window_height = 600
--we're just getting the scale factor here to also adjust the positions, so our SVGs don't overlap
function love.draw ()
local new_scale_factor = love.graphics.getHeight() / initial_window_height
shapes_svg:draw(0, 20 * new_scale_factor)
bananicorn_svg:draw(150 * new_scale_factor, 20 * new_scale_factor)
function love.resize ()
--only taking into account the height of the window, but do whatever you want
local new_scale_factor = love.graphics.getHeight() / initial_window_height
- Style blocks
- Transforms
- A whole boatload of other stuff
- Groups with only translation transforms
- Rectangles (fill & stroke)
- Circles (fill & stroke)
- Ellipses (fill and stroke)
- Paths (stroke and even-odd fill-rule)
- Basic fill and stroke color
- Stroke width