This repository contains a variety of Brightcove Video Player SDK for iOS demos and code samples that can be loaded and viewed in Xcode.
- SimpleVideoApp - A simple video app to show how to use the BCQueuePlayer and BCUIControls. This sample also shows how to queue up different video types (mp4, mov, HLS). Supplemental documentation can be found here
- CustomUIControlsApp - An app to show how to create custom UI controls for the BCQueuePlayer. This app shows the basics of using an event emitter and how to create your own video components or overlays with BCComponent
- CatalogPlaylistApp - A sample app that shows how to use BCCatalog to retrieve videos from Video Cloud. This app also shows how to use a playlist with a UICollectionView
- AppleLookAlike - A sample app that have emulated Apple's default controls for their video playing classes for ease of use and customizations.