+ redux@4.0.0
+ react-router@5.0.1
+ immutable@3.8.1
+ +webpack@4.20.2
+ typescript@3.0.3
+ sass
- Development Environment
- Feature
- Running the project for the first time
- Debugging
- Development
- Directory Description
- Modify css-loader
- Other suggestion
- Operating system: window 10
- nodejs: 10.15.0
- npm: 6.9.0
- yarn: 1.9.2
- Development Tools: JetBrains WebStorm 2019.1.1 x64
- Browser: chrome 74.0.3729.131 stable
- immutablejs
- sass
- redux
- react-router
- code split
- hot load
- no cache
- stylelint
- tslint
- husky
- lint-staged
Execute yarn
in the project root directory
npm run devSprites
: Execute the packaged Sprite map, which runs every time you add a new image.npm run devSrc
: Execute and compile index.html, do not have to run multiple times, test entity files onlynpm run devServer
: Start webpack-dev-server, then open http://localhost:19080
npm run sprites
: a sprite map of the production environment, a sprite file of the sprite, and a hash of the image filenpm run src
: package js of production environment, js files are hashed. Effect:
: configuration of main webpack and gulp -
: generic ts configuration -
: Start the webpack-dev-server configuration file -
: compile the actual file, separate development environment compilation and production environment compilation -
: empty files in a directory -
: Insert the js generated by the webpack into the html file and insert the url of the sprite into the html file.
This is to make it easy to locate the css file for editing in the browser.
Go to node_modules/css-loader/dist/index.js
Comment out the following code
const moduleCode = `// Module\nexports.push([, ${cssAsString}, ""${ ? `,${}` : ''}]);\n\n `;
Add the following code to the corresponding
let map = null
if ( {
map =
map.sources = => 'file:///' + src.replace(/\\/g,'/'))
const moduleCode = `// Module\nexports.push([, ${cssAsString}, ""${ ? `,${JSON.stringify(map)}` : ''}]);\n\n`;
Modify the location css by chrome, then modify the file, this modification will be saved locally
1.css use BEM specification, see