Breeze is a simple app to track your habit.
Local Version (Data Stored Locally)
Cloud Version (Data Stored on Server)
it provides 3 types of views for you to check on your habit trends.
Clicking on the date icon in the weekly view will bring up the monthly view.
Clicking on the habit itself will open the yearly view.
Both the weekly and yearly views allow for check-ins (simply click on the corresponding date to check in), with the yearly view serving as a way to display the data for the entire year.
In the yearly view, you can see...
Start date of the check-in
Current streak of consecutive check-in days
Maximum consecutive check-in days (longest streak)
Total number of check-in days (sum of all signed-in days)
And two crucial charts:
There are two branches
pnpm i
start up
pnpm run dev
pnpm run build
generating backend api files from swagger json by using openapi-typescript-codegen
pnpm run api:generate
// "api:generate": "openapi --input http://localhost:3000/api-json --output ./src/api --exportCore false"
On main branch, we support Google login.
so, you have to create your own google oauth2 crendentials.
see detials in .env.example
knowing more about .env in vite.
We use jenkins to deploy.
So there is a jenkins file and dokckerfile.
You could simply use Vercel or Netlify to deploy.
- store on IndexDB(branch local)
- Backend
- flutter