This small project is to assess a Shopify engineering candidate's procifiency with Shopify theme development, Javascript and CSS. The goal is to show product upsells on the cart page and create a recently viewed products section on the product detail page time permits.
Please complete the following features:
- Display product upsells from the 'upsell' collection on the cart page
- Create a new section that can be enabled/disabled in theme settings
- Display a grid of 2 products from the 'upsell' collection that link to each product page
- Write styles to match the design below
- Send a Google Analytics event when product is clicked
- Track and display recently viewed products on product detail page
- Keep track of viewed products using a localstorage or a cookie
- Create a new section that can be enabled/disabled in theme settings
- Displays a grid of 1-4 recently viewed products that link to each product page
- Write styles to match the design below
- Send a Google Analytics event when product is clicked
Be sure to install the Shopify CLI.
- In a new directory pull the live theme:
shopify theme pull --store=fake-barstool
- Serve your development theme and start building:
shopify theme dev