This repository implements denotational semantics for the While language and the Proc language as described in the book 'Semantics with Applications' 1. The semantics for While are given in both direct-style (Directstyle.hs) and continuation-style (Contstyle.hs). You can run test programs in the While language using either style. A few test programs are given at the end of the files.
There is also a showcase of using PL semantics to analyse programs.
Liveness.hs is a showcase of live-variables analysis.
Secinfflow.hs is a showcase of security analysis.
Constprop.hs is a showcase of constant propagation analysis.
1 Hanne Riis Nielson and Flemming Nielson. 2007. Semantics with applications: an appetizer. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.