Online Kids Life Style Store Application
- Admin Panel
- Add, update and delete category
- Add, Update, Delete brand, company.
- Add, Update and Delete Kids product
- Add/Remove Product Images
- Active/De-Active User
- Order details information
- Order delivery
- Payment details Information
- Manage Payment Gateway
- Email/ message services (registration, confirmation, order confirmation…. Etc.)
- Online Support
- User View
- User can register, General user
- Show all category, product list and product details.
- Manage order
- Manage profile
- Shipping and billing address
- Add, update product in shopping cart
- Customer can provide review, comment and rating in any product
- Search product by different criterions.
- Current user order history
- Current user payment history
- Technology:
- C-Sharp, ASP.Net MVC, Web API and OData
- Entity Framework
- HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript/JQuery
- AngularJS, SignalR
- MS SQL Server-2012