Simple swift library that allows to integrate crypto coins info into Swift & iOS project.
Coins supported currently:
- Bitcoin
- Litecoin
- Bitcoin-Cash
- Ethereum and ERC20
- Counterparty
- Polygon
- Dogecoin
- Dash
- Ethereum Classic
- Binance Smart Chain
- And more!
Each coin has its own class derived from the BaseCoin class. Each coin class provides the following functionnalities:
- Compute address from pubkey (legacy and segwit if supported)
- Encode privkey to WIF format
- Various blockchain info: support segwit, use compressed pubkey, supports token (smart contract) and NFT, ...
Each coin can also have various Explorer objects attached to it. These explorers are derived from the BaseExplorer class and provide different information related to a coin:
- Explorer: provides balance, and other blockchain info
- NftExplorer: providesinfo about NFT assets on the blockchain such as name, description, url, image preview
- PriceExplorer: provides info such as exchange rateswith common (fiat) currencies
Explorer classes use API from the following services:
- Blockstream
- Coingate
- Coingecko
- Etherscan
- Ethplorer
- Fullstack
- Opensea
- Rarible
- Sochain
- [Xchain] (
These APIs are used to get info such as balances, NFT name, description and image preview.
Remark: some explorer APIs require an API key to work correctly. API keys are provided through a hashmap<string:key, string:value>.
Released under the LGPL v3 license.