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Security: BatemaDevelopment/pyslots


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Check the chart below to see what versions still support security updates and vunerabilities reporting. ❌ means it is not supported, ⚠️ means it is currently supprted but may soon be discontinued from updates and accepted vunerablities, 🔨 means the version has not released yet, or is still in development, and ✅ means that is still supported.

Version Supported
1.3.0 🔨

Reporting a Vulnerability

Go and create a new issue, and select the "Security Vunerablity" template. After submitting an issue, we will respond as soon as possible once you create the issue, so you know we are working on it, but until you get a reply from a non-bot user (a human user without a bot tag), just assume we havent seen it yet. Once we reply, please give us up to TWO weeks to validate and decipher the issue. We will then let you know more details on what we found or if we will be fixing it. If we do fix it, please give us at least THREE weeks to fix it. We will respond and close the issue, with a release tag reference and any other info we need to give about the update. Thank you for helping PYSlots become a safer place!

There aren’t any published security advisories