Bugs fixed as reported here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/simple-json-typo-fixes-post-1-4-0.1126334/
These files are the result of the combined work of several community modders, namely:
- Amechwarrior, Hawaii, bug tracing and code review.
- Dr. Banzai, Germany, bug fixing and configuration management.
- scJazz, US East Coast, bug fixes and code review.
- JustinKaseToo, US East Coast (living on West Coast time according to his wife), bug and formatting fixes.
- Sheepy, bug fixes and code review.
Credits: Thanks to the community at large for helping bring these bugs to HBS's attention!
This mod is intended for free use and adaptation in other mods.
Remove older editions of cFixes. This is very important to not crash the game.
Copy cFixes folder in to Mods folder created for ModTek.
This mod uses ModTek:
Thanks to mpstark and the entire ModTek team for making this mod possible!
cFixes can be loaded as is by the HBS mod loader, however it will not be able to alter any files inside the DLC packages. It is recommended you use this mod with ModTek for a complete feature set and the ability to remove this mod without affecting your saves.
chassisdef_banshee_BNC-3S.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_battlemaster_BLR-1GB.json - fixed 1Gb from 1GB
chassisdef_blackjack_BJ-1DB.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_blackknight_BL-6-KNT.json - fixed variant name to BK-7-KNT
chassisdef_blackknight_BL-6b-KNT.json - fixed reference to BK-7-KNT
chassisdef_cicada_CDA-2A.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_crab_CRB-27.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_crab_CRB-27b.json - FF armor/tonnage fix, fixed 27b from 27B
chassisdef_cyclops_CP-10-Q.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_hatchetman_HCT-3F.json - fixed costs and base melee damage
chassisdef_hatchetman_HCT-3X.json - fixed costs and base melee damage
chassisdef_highlander_HGN-732b.json - fixed "732B" to "732b"
chassisdef_hunchback_HBK-4G.json - melee DMG to 75 from 80
chassisdef_hunchback_HBK-4P.json - melee DMG to 75 from 80
chassisdef_javelin_JVN-10F.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_javelin_JVN-10N.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_marauder_MAD-2R.json - FF armor/tonnage fix
chassisdef_phoenixhawk_PXH-1b.json - fixed 1b from 1B
chassisdef_raven_RVN-1X.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_urbanmech_UM-R60L.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_urbanmech_UM-R90.json - fixed costs
chassisdef_vindicator_VND-1AA.json - fixed costs
All Escort and Capture Base contracts have had the word "Dropship" replaced with "DropShip" as used in the BT writers guide, a list too long to put here. Listed here are all the other contracts that have been fixed.
Assassinate_HardTarget.json - extra space removed
c_fp_allianceDavion_b2_fireMission.json - DropShip formatting
c_fp_allianceKurita_a2_fireMission.json - DropShip formatting
c_fp_allianceKurita_b2_fireMission.json - DropShip formatting
c_fp_allianceMarik_a2_fireMission.json - DropShip formatting
c_fp_allianceMarik_b2_fireMission.json - DropShip formatting
c_fp_allianceSteiner_a1_fireMission.json - DropShip formatting
c_fp_allianceSteiner_b1_fireMission.json - DropShip formatting
c_fp_headhunting_1_battle.json - Fixed "Flack Jackal" typo
c_fp_longHunt_c1_rescue - Fixed improper 's after "lees's"
c_fp_scoundrel_a1_target.json - DropShip formatting
c_fp_unwelcomeGuests_1_fireMission.json - DropShip formatting
EscortSingle_MerchantCaravan.json - Fixed typo "loacation" in short desc
FireMission_DataLiberation.json - typos (Reinforments and DropShip)
FireMission_DataLiberation_Hard.json - typos (Reinforments and DropShip)
FireMission_FireForEffect.json - typos, too many to list here
FireMission_Fireworks.json - "WarShip" changed to "Pocket WarShip" as no true WarShips should be available.
FireMission_Untouchable.json - DropShip formatting
Panzyr_Attack_Default.json - DropShip foramtting
redHunt_1_DefendBase.json - Typos "Targetted" "Commmander" and "recieved" fixed
redHunt_2_ThreeWayBattle.json - Typos, various
SimpleBattle_RaidingParty.json - DropShip foramtting
SimpleBattle_RaidingParty_Hard.json - DropShip foramtting
Smithon_Defense_Default.json - DropShip foramtting
Story_1B_Retreat_Default.json - DropShip formatting
Story_6B_TreasureTrove_Default - DropShip formatting
Story_7_GunboatDiplomacy_Default.json - DropShip formatting
succession_1_assassinate.json - typos (commision and intitial)
succession_a1_assassinate.json - typos (commision and intitial)
ThreeWayBattle_ClashOfTitans.json - DropShip formatting
ThreeWayBattle_HotPursuit.json - DropShip formatting
ThreeWayBattle_InterceptedSalvage.json - DropShip formatting
ThreeWayBattle_BountyHunting.json - DropShip formatting
LoreGreatHouses.json - ordered Houses "Around the Sphere"
LoreSuccessorState.json - ordered Houses "Around the Sphere"
event_mw_dubiousIntentions.json - "You" replaced with "You're" in results error
event_mw_leadershipMoment.json - added contextual words to fix "they rises" error
event_mw_nobleBonds.json - Fixed the gender reference instead of defaulting to their
event_mw_smugglingOnPurpose.json - Missing space between "report[s]that" in option3 result
event_mw_spotlight_dekker.json - Typo "recupterating", even dekker's event is injured...
event_mw_triage.json - missing commas
faction_KellHounds.json - Demonym fixed missing space between "KellHounds"
hardpointdatadef_phoenixhawk.json - Fixed MG underslung mount to always show
Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Bulk-Bank.json - fixed [AMT] value in StatusEffect Description Details
Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Improved-Bank.json - fixed [AMT] value in StatusEffect Description Details
Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard-Bank.json - fixed [AMT] value in StatusEffect Description Details
Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Thermal-Exchanger-I.json - fixed [AMT] value in StatusEffect Description Details
Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Thermal-Exchanger-II.json - fixed [AMT] value in StatusEffect Description Details
Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Thermal-Exchanger-III.json - fixed [AMT] value in StatusEffect Description Details
mechdef_annihilator_ANH-1A.json - given Lance - Support tag
mechdef_archer_ARC-2R.json - given Lance - Tank/Support tags
mechdef_archer_ARC-2S.json - given Lance - Tank/Support tags
mechdef_assassin_ASN-21.json - given Role - Scout and Lance - Assassin tags, duh
mechdef_assassin_ASN-101.json - given Role - Scout and Lance - Assassin tags, duh
mechdef_banshee_BNC-3S.json - fixed costs
mechdef_battlemaster_BLR-1GB.json - Fixed 1Gb from 1GB
mechdef_blackjack_BJ-1DB.json - fixed costs
mechdef_blackknight_BL-6-KNT.json - fixed variant name to BK-7-KNT
mechdef_blackknight_BL-6b-KNT.json - fixed reference to BK-7-KNT and 6b, moved DHS, fixed costs
mechdef_bullshark_BSK-M3.json - given Lance - Support tag
mechdef_cicada_CDA-2A.json - fixed costs
mechdef_crab_CRB-27.json - given Role - Brawler and Lance - Tank tags, fixed costs
mechdef_crab_CRB-27b.json - FF armor/tonnage fix, fixed 27b from 27B
mechdef_cyclops_CP-10-HQ.json - given Lance - Support tag, removed duplicate IDF tag
mechdef_cyclops_CP-10-Q.json - given Lance - Support tag, removed duplicate IDF tag, fixed costs
mechdef_cyclops_CP-10-Z.json - given Lance - Support tag, removed duplicate IDF tag, fixed costs
mechdef_flea_FLE-4.json - given Lance - Vanguard tag
mechdef_flea_FLE-15.json - given Lance - Vanguard tag
mechdef_griffin_GRF-4N.json - fixed JJ from Leg to Torso, moved DHS from illegal Leg slots to torsos to match "Greed"
mechdef_griffin_GRF-4N_fp_greed.json - fixed JJ from Leg to Torso
mechdef_hatchetman_HCT-3F.json - given Lance - Assassin tag, removed duplicate jumpOK tag, fixed costs
mechdef_hatchetman_HCT-3X.json - given Lance - Assassin tag, removed duplicate jumpOK tag, fixed costs
mechdef_highlander_HGN-732b.json - Adjusted Torso Front Armor to match Record Sheets, 1b from 1B typos
mechdef_highlander_HGN-733.json - Adjusted Center Torso Front Armor to match Record Sheets, allocated "spare" armor point to CTR
mechdef_highlander_HGN-733P.json - Adjusted Torso Front Armor and HS+ammo locations to match Record Sheets
mechdef_javelin_JVN-10A.json - given Role - Sniper tag
mechdef_javelin_JVN-10F.json - Removed "Fire" from UIname for sorting, given Lance - Assassin/Vanguard tags, removed duplicate jumpOK tag, fixed costs
mechdef_javelin_JVN-10N.json - given Lance - Assassin/Vanguard tags, removed duplicate jumpOK tag, fixed costs
mechdef_marauder_MAD-2D.json - FF armor/tonnage fix
mechdef_marauder_MAD-3D.json - given Lance - Tank/Support tags
mechdef_marauder_MAD-3R.json - given Lance - Tank/Support tags
mechdef_phoenixhawk_PXH-1.json - given Role - Scout and Lance - Assassin/Vanguard tags
mechdef_phoenixhawk_PXH-1b.json - fixed 1b from 1B
mechdef_phoenixhawk_PXH-1K.json - given Role - Scout and Lance - Assassin/Vanguard tags
mechdef_rifleman_RFL-3C.json - given Role - Sniper and Lance - Support tags
mechdef_rifleman_RFL-3N.json - given Role - Sniper and Lance - Support tags
mechdef_rifleman_RFL-4D.json - given Role - Sniper and Lance - Support tags
mechdef_urbanmech_UM-R60L.json - given Lance - Tank tag
mechdef_vulcan_VL-2T.json - given Lance - Vanguard tag
mechdef_vulcan_VL-5T.json - given Role - Scout and Lance - Assassin/Vanguard tags
mechdef_warhammer_WHM-6D.json - given Lance - Tank/Support tags
mechdef_warhammer_WHM-6R.json - given Lance - Tank/Support tags
All 144 milestone files have cost, rarity and purchasable lines removed for loading/logging readability.
movedef_PACKRAT.json - max walk 210 from 200
movedef_GALLANT.json - slowed down Gallant to TT speeds
The pilot files below had missing passive traits per their skill points. Any missing passive traits have been added to conform to the standard progressions. Story pilots with more than the normal amount of abilities/traits have been retained, but their passive traits have been brought up to standard.
regionDef_Positive.json - typo (Positve)
starsystemdef_Camadeirre.json - fixed typo: "Camadeirre" change to "Camadeierre"
turretdef_Standard_Laser.json - renamed "Standard Laser Turret" from "Light Standard Turret"
Gear_General_Enhanced_Missilery_System.json - Corrected displayed SRM bonus to 50% STB DMG per stat value
vehicledef_BULLDOG.json - added Front MG and ammo
vehicledef_DEMOLISHER.json - added missing 4th ton of AC/20 ammo
vehicledef_GALLANT.json - fixed armor to TT values, LRM hardpoint slot adjustment
vehicledef_MOBILEHQ_ARMORED.json - fixed armor to match TT values
vehicledef_SCORPION.json - moved MG from Turret to Front
vehicledef_STRIKER.json - fixed value: Turret Armor 120 changed to 110, fixed IS to 20 from 10
vehicledef_STRIKER_Narc.json - fixed IS to 20 from 10
vehicledef_SWIFTWIND_ARMORED.json - fixed tonnage and armor to match possible TT config
vehiclechassisdef_GALLANT.json - fixed weight class to Heavy
vehiclechassisdef_MANTICORE.json - fixed armor and internals
vehiclechassisdef_SCORPION - moved AP hardpoint from Turret to Front
vehiclechassisdef_STRIKER.json - fixed armor and internals
vehiclechassisdef_STRIKER_Narc.json - fixed IS to 20 from 10
vehiclechassisdef_SWIFTWIND.json - fixed armor and internals
vehiclechassisdef_SWIFTWIND_ARMORED.json - fixed Tonnage and armor and internals
Weapon_Gauss_Gauss_1-M7.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Gauss_Gauss_2-M9.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_LargeLaserER_1-Blankenburg25.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_LargeLaserER_2-BlazeFire.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_LargeLaserPulse_1-Thunderbolt12.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_LargeLaserPulse_2-Exostar.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_MediumLaserER_1-MagnaVI.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_MediumLaserER_2-BrightBloom.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_MediumLaserPulse_1-RakerIV.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_MediumLaserPulse_2-Magna400P.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_SmallLaserER_1-Diverse_Optics.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_SmallLaserER_2-BlazeFire.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_SmallLaserPulse_1-Maxell.json - tag fixes
Weapon_Laser_SmallLaserPulse_2-Magna200P.json - tag fixes
Weapon_PPC_PPCER_1-MagnaFirestar.json - tag fixes
Weapon_PPC_PPCER_2-TiegartMagnum.json - tag fixes