Our app is designed to help women monitor and learn about menstrual hygiene, as well as provide information on various contraception methods. It especially helps women understand about menstrual and reproductive health.
With our app, you can:
- Take quizzes to test your knowledge about menstruation and contraception methods.
- Know about various menstrual products, their pros and cons.
- Learn about different contraception options and how they work
- Find resources for reproductive and sexual health care
Women around the global are not fully aware about the various aspects related to menstrual hygiene and contraceptive health. This scenario is even worse in our country, India where women take themselves for granted. Even in my neighbourhood, mother of a year old infant was suffering from some postpartum complications but was hesitant to consult a doctor. So our app will help her understand such symptoms and act accordingly. Similarly,many women around the globe can take the benefit of our app around the globe.
We have used Dart language along with Flutter SDK framework to develop the app. Android Studio and its emulator have been used to test and preview the app screens. Canva and Figma have been used for the designing and wireframing of the app.
We have thought of implementing the following in future:
- We will add detailed information about reproductve health, family planning and contraception.
- A special helpline number would be integrated which will connect the user to doctors where they can discuss their medical situation further.
- We have also thought of having a personalised clinic tracking system, which will track the clinics in 10km radius around their area.
We believe in empowering women with knowledge and tools to take control of their reproductive health. We hope our app helps you on your journey.
Thank you for using our app.
If you have any suggestions and improvements, just fork the project, push the changes and open a pull request!!