Open Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications and import each cls and bas file into a new project. Name the project VBA-Math-Objects and save it as an xlam file. Enable the addin. Within Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications, select Tools>References and ensure that "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects x.x Library", "Microsoft Scripting Runtime", and VBA-Math-Objects is selected.
The unit tests demonstrate many ways to use each of the classes. To run the tests, Import all the modules from the testing directory into a spreadsheet, install the VBA-Unit-Testing library and type '=RunTests()' in cell A1. Ensure the Setup steps have all been successfully completed for that library.
The library contains several different matrix factory methods:
- ScalarMatrix(Value, m, n) - Create a matrix with m rows and n columns, with the value of Value in each element
- Identity(m) - Create an identity matrix with M rows and columns
- DiagonalMatrix(Vector) - Create a diagonal matrix with the elements of the supplied vector along the diagonal
- MatrixFromJaggedArray(Array) - Create a matrix from a nested array of arrays.
- CreateMatrix(Variant) - Create a matrix from a two-dimensional variant
Methods to create a new matrix:
Dim M as Matrix
' [0 0 0]
' [0 0 0]
Set M = ScalarMatrix(0, 2, 3)
' [1 0 0]
' [0 1 0]
' [0 0 1]
Set M = Identity(3)
' [2 3 3]
' [3 2 3]
' [3 3 2]
Set M = MatrixFromJaggedArray( _
Array( _
Array(2, 3, 3), _
Array(3, 2, 3), _
Array(3, 3, 2) _
) _
Dim V as Vector
V = M.GetColumn(1)
' [2 0 0]
' [0 3 0]
' [0 0 3]
Set M = DiagonalMatrix(V)
Dim Mat As Variant
ReDim Mat(1 To 2, 1 To 2)
Mat(1, 1) = 1
Mat(1, 2) = 0
Mat(2, 1) = 0
Mat(2, 2) = 1
Dim M As Matrix
Set M = CreateMatrix(Mat)
The matrix class contains the following methods:
- isDiagonal()
- IsEqual(Matrix)
- Add(Matrix)
- Subtract(Matrix)
- Multiply(Matrix)
- ScalarMultiply(number)
- ScalarDivide(number)
- Transpose()
- GetRow(Integer)
- GetColumn(Integer)
- AugmentRight(Matrix)
- AugmentBelow(Matrix)
- ReplaceRow(Integer, Vector)
- ExcludeRow(Integer)
- Trace()
- GetDiagonalElements()
- SwapColumns(Integer, Integer)
- Submatrix(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)
- Inverse()
- ToJaggedArray()
- ToString()
The library contains one Vector factory method:
- CreateVector(Variant) - Create a vector from an array
Data = Array(1,2,3,4,5)
Dim V As Vector
Set V = CreateVector(Data)