This is meant to work with driverstation.
This is a simple robot project written in python 3.
Basic program structure is to have 2 main opertion modes. The first being a Telo and the second automimous. The defualt will be the telo. The program asumes that the user running it has access to its home dir '~'. The program becomes on gaint while loop. I know this is bad for most things, but for this it should be fine. Defs and Class shell start with a lowercase and conform to camel case there after. Varables shall start wtih a capital and shall conform to camel case there affer.
Example: def: writeCode() var: RedLed
Status LED Program: This needs to be started at system boot. (refer to rc.locol) Make sure the procces is forked.
The program will read for the change at port 7000 and if nessary write on port 7001. Read = 7000 Write = 7001
Configure reboot: This allows anyone in the wheel group to shutdown the computer with out super user. They still need to put sudo infront of the command tho. copy bellow lines into '/etc/group'
%wheel ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown %wheel ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot
or chmod both to be 6777 to allow non sudo users to acces them
Adb File (Format): X joystick value | Y joystick value | z joystick value | Button 1 | Button 2 | Button 3 | Button 4
1 through -1 | 1 through -1 | 1 through -1 | T or F | T or F | T or F | T or F
Competetion rules: Auton: First 20 secs Telo: 3 minutes
Complaints agains python: There needs to be something like cargo doc, becaue after using rust, I've grown accustom to putting so much info into comments around my code. I wonder will this slow python down?
NET: IF using wifi, it must have a connection at startup. adding this to /etc/network/interfaces should make it work
auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid "ssid" wpa-psk "password"
rc.local: We need to edit rc.local to get are program to start up with the system sudo nano /etc/rc.local
put in the program you wish to have start up. For us it is /home/pi/myRobot/src/ if the program is likely to run in a infinate loop or not exit put '&' and the end to fork the process. /home/pi/myRobot/src/ &
Custom Packet ccc?????????????????ffffff Feilds for DECP are 0 -25 This is the table if you wanted to pull a spesific byte c mode DECP[0] T for telo, A for auton 1 ? Bt0 DECP[1] T/F 1 ? Bt1 DECP[2] T/F 1 ? Bt2 DECP[3] T/F 1 ? Bt3 DECP[4] T/F 1 ? Bt4 DECP[5] T/F 1 ? Bt5 DECP[6] T/F 1 ? Bt6 DECP[7] T/F 1 ? Bt7 DECP[8] T/F 1 ? Bt8 DECP[9] T/F 1 ? Bt9 DECP[10] T/F 1 ? Bt10 DECP[11] T/F 1 ? Bt11 DECP[12] T/F 1 ? Bt12 DECP[13] T/F 1 ? Bt13 DECP[14] T/F 1 ? Bt14 DECP[15] T/F 1 ? Bt15 DECP[16] T/F 1 ? Bt16 DECP[17] T/F 1 f Ax0 DECP[18] Float 4 f Ax1 DECP[19] Float 4 f Ax2 DECP[20] Float 4 f Ax3 DECP[21] Float 4 f Ax4 DECP[22] Float 4 f Ax5 DECP[23] Float 4 Packet size ~= 42
I used this for ps3 blutooth support