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audio movement system
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created an audio movement system that moves audio players with player. currently only works on x axis.
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beefyjoe authored Feb 4, 2021
1 parent 7b12964 commit e231cfc
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Showing 15 changed files with 490 additions and 32 deletions.
Binary file added audio/loop_hum_06.ogg
Binary file not shown.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions audio/loop_hum_06.ogg.import
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@



dest_files=[ "res://.import/loop_hum_06.ogg-4ee4e3c5fbacad68fc7d4d6620b735a6.oggstr" ]


13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions entities/player/Player.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
[ext_resource path="res://entities/player/" type="Script" id=1]

[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape" id=1]
radius = 0.6
height = 1.5
radius = 0.430359
height = 1.96055

[node name="Player" type="KinematicBody" groups=[
Expand All @@ -16,13 +16,16 @@ head_path = NodePath("Head")
cam_path = NodePath("Head/Camera")

[node name="Collision" type="CollisionShape" parent="."]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, -1, 0, 1, -4.37114e-08, 0, 0, 0 )
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, -1, 0, 1, -4.37114e-08, 0, 1.11964, 0 )
shape = SubResource( 1 )

[node name="Head" type="Spatial" parent="."]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 )
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1.67877, 0 )

[node name="Camera" type="Camera" parent="Head"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.522507, 0 )
keep_aspect = 0
current = true
fov = 80.0
far = 250.0
near = 0.07
far = 74.4
40 changes: 15 additions & 25 deletions entities/player/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ var direction := Vector3()
var move_axis := Vector2()
var sprint_enabled := true
var sprinting := false
var position = self.get_translation()
var ypos = Vector3()
var fly = false
signal position(position)
# Walk
const FLOOR_MAX_ANGLE: float = deg2rad(46.0)
export(float) var gravity = 30.0
Expand All @@ -28,7 +32,6 @@ export(int) var jump_height = 10
# Fly
export(int) var fly_speed = 10
export(int) var fly_accel = 4
var flying := false


Expand All @@ -46,11 +49,9 @@ func _process(_delta: float) -> void:

# Called every physics tick. 'delta' is constant
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if flying:

#print("current Pos: ", PosX, " | ", PosZ)

# Called when there is an input event
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
Expand All @@ -73,14 +74,16 @@ func walk(delta: float) -> void:
direction += aim.x
direction.y = 0
direction = direction.normalized()
var position = self.get_translation()
emit_signal("position", position)

# Jump
var _snap: Vector3
if is_on_floor():
_snap = Vector3.DOWN
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("move_jump"):
_snap = Vector3.ZERO
velocity.y = jump_height
# if is_on_floor():
# _snap = Vector3.DOWN
# if Input.is_action_just_pressed("move_jump"):
# _snap = Vector3.ZERO
# velocity.y = jump_height

# Apply Gravity
velocity.y -= gravity * delta
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,21 +129,6 @@ func walk(delta: float) -> void:
velocity = moving
velocity.y = moving.y

func fly(delta: float) -> void:
# Input
direction = Vector3()
var aim = head.get_global_transform().basis
if move_axis.x >= 0.5:
direction -= aim.z
if move_axis.x <= -0.5:
direction += aim.z
if move_axis.y <= -0.5:
direction -= aim.x
if move_axis.y >= 0.5:
direction += aim.x
direction = direction.normalized()

# Acceleration and Deacceleration
var target: Vector3 = direction * fly_speed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,3 +157,5 @@ func camera_rotation() -> void:

func can_sprint() -> bool:
return (sprint_enabled and is_on_floor())

56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions room8.mtl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Blender MTL File: 'None'
# Material Count: 5

newmtl Material.017
Ns 225.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd textures\\wall.png

newmtl Material.018
Ns 225.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd textures\\wall.png

newmtl Material.019
Ns 225.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd textures\\wall.png

newmtl Material.020
Ns 225.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd textures\\wall.png

newmtl None.004
Ns 500.000001
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ks 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions room8.obj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
# Blender v2.91.2 OBJ File: ''
mtllib room8.mtl
o Plane.004
v -6.000000 -0.000001 6.000000
v 6.000000 -0.000001 6.000000
v 6.000000 0.000001 -6.000000
v -6.000000 0.000001 -6.000000
vt 0.000000 0.000000
vt 1.000000 0.000000
vt 1.000000 1.000000
vt 0.000000 1.000000
vn 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
usemtl None.004
s 1
f 1/1/1 2/2/1 3/3/1 4/4/1
o Cube_Cube.005
v 5.470142 -0.169508 -5.468062
v 5.470142 6.240907 -5.468061
v 1.964962 6.240907 -5.468061
v 1.964962 -0.169508 -5.468062
v 6.002106 -0.169509 -2.040462
v 6.002106 6.240906 -2.040461
v 5.470142 6.240906 -2.040461
v 5.470142 -0.169509 -2.040462
v 1.964962 6.240907 -6.023550
v 1.964962 -0.169508 -6.023551
vt 0.901608 0.195992
vt 0.905529 0.976060
vt 0.029491 0.976060
vt 0.028030 0.198453
vt 0.526477 -0.225535
vt 0.529097 1.181019
vt 0.382474 1.185624
vt 0.379854 -0.220931
vt 1.159030 0.059093
vt 1.159079 1.135916
vt 0.404489 1.135976
vt 0.404440 0.059153
vt 0.002423 0.509524
vt 0.002426 -0.349936
vt 0.153912 -0.349936
vt 0.153910 0.509524
vn 0.0000 -0.0000 1.0000
vn -1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000
usemtl Material.017
s 1
f 5/5/2 6/6/2 7/7/2 8/8/2
f 9/9/2 10/10/2 11/11/2 12/12/2
f 12/13/3 11/14/3 6/15/3 5/16/3
f 8/17/3 7/18/3 13/19/3 14/20/3
o Cube.002_Cube.004
v 5.386618 -0.169510 5.524847
v 5.386618 6.240905 5.524848
v 5.441738 6.240905 2.020101
v 5.441738 -0.169509 2.020100
v 1.951077 -0.169510 6.002845
v 1.951077 6.240905 6.002846
v 1.959442 6.240905 5.470948
v 1.959442 -0.169510 5.470947
v 5.997159 6.240905 2.028837
v 5.997159 -0.169509 2.028836
vt 0.901608 0.195992
vt 0.905529 0.976060
vt 0.029491 0.976060
vt 0.028030 0.198453
vt 0.526477 -0.225535
vt 0.529097 1.181019
vt 0.382474 1.185624
vt 0.379854 -0.220931
vt 1.159030 0.059093
vt 1.159079 1.135916
vt 0.404489 1.135976
vt 0.404440 0.059153
vt 0.002423 0.509524
vt 0.002426 -0.349936
vt 0.153912 -0.349936
vt 0.153910 0.509524
vn -0.9999 -0.0000 -0.0157
vn 0.0157 0.0000 -0.9999
usemtl Material.018
s 1
f 15/21/4 16/22/4 17/23/4 18/24/4
f 19/25/4 20/26/4 21/27/4 22/28/4
f 22/29/5 21/30/5 16/31/5 15/32/5
f 18/33/5 17/34/5 23/35/5 24/36/5
o Cube.003_Cube.004
v -5.461724 -0.169510 5.442315
v -5.461724 6.240905 5.442316
v -1.956553 6.240905 5.450621
v -1.956553 -0.169510 5.450620
v -5.985565 -0.169509 2.013465
v -5.985565 6.240905 2.013466
v -5.453603 6.240905 2.014726
v -5.453603 -0.169509 2.014725
v -1.957869 6.240905 6.006108
v -1.957869 -0.169510 6.006107
vt 0.901608 0.195992
vt 0.905529 0.976060
vt 0.029491 0.976060
vt 0.028030 0.198453
vt 0.526477 -0.225535
vt 0.529097 1.181019
vt 0.382474 1.185624
vt 0.379854 -0.220931
vt 1.159030 0.059093
vt 1.159079 1.135916
vt 0.404489 1.135976
vt 0.404440 0.059153
vt 0.002423 0.509524
vt 0.002426 -0.349936
vt 0.153912 -0.349936
vt 0.153910 0.509524
vn 0.0024 0.0000 -1.0000
vn 1.0000 0.0000 0.0024
usemtl Material.019
s 1
f 25/37/6 26/38/6 27/39/6 28/40/6
f 29/41/6 30/42/6 31/43/6 32/44/6
f 32/45/7 31/46/7 26/47/7 25/48/7
f 28/49/7 27/50/7 33/51/7 34/52/7
o Cube.001_Cube.004
v -5.378401 -0.169508 -5.537739
v -5.378401 6.240907 -5.537738
v -5.441824 6.240906 -2.033132
v -5.441824 -0.169509 -2.033133
v -1.941738 -0.169508 -6.007596
v -1.941738 6.240907 -6.007595
v -1.951363 6.240907 -5.475719
v -1.951363 -0.169508 -5.475720
v -5.997222 6.240906 -2.043183
v -5.997222 -0.169509 -2.043184
vt 0.901608 0.195992
vt 0.905529 0.976060
vt 0.029491 0.976060
vt 0.028030 0.198453
vt 0.526477 -0.225535
vt 0.529097 1.181019
vt 0.382474 1.185624
vt 0.379854 -0.220931
vt 1.159030 0.059093
vt 1.159079 1.135916
vt 0.404489 1.135976
vt 0.404440 0.059153
vt 0.002423 0.509524
vt 0.002426 -0.349936
vt 0.153912 -0.349936
vt 0.153910 0.509524
vn 0.9998 0.0000 0.0181
vn -0.0181 -0.0000 0.9998
usemtl Material.020
s 1
f 35/53/8 36/54/8 37/55/8 38/56/8
f 39/57/8 40/58/8 41/59/8 42/60/8
f 42/61/9 41/62/9 36/63/9 35/64/9
f 38/65/9 37/66/9 43/67/9 44/68/9
o Cube.004_Cube.001
v -5.444204 -0.400866 2.013844
v -5.444204 6.224983 2.013845
v 5.465441 6.224983 2.013845
v 5.465441 -0.400866 2.013844
v 5.465441 -0.400866 2.508977
v 5.465441 6.224983 2.508978
v -5.444204 6.224983 2.508978
v -5.444204 -0.400866 2.508977
vt 3.257027 0.409433
vt 3.252763 2.223569
vt 0.243440 2.224055
vt 0.257004 0.409919
vt -1.201023 0.999689
vt -1.200402 -0.031609
vt 2.609196 -0.030988
vt 2.608574 1.000310
vn 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000
vn 0.0000 -0.0000 1.0000
usemtl Material.017
s 1
f 45/69/10 46/70/10 47/71/10 48/72/10
f 49/73/11 50/74/11 51/75/11 52/76/11
o Cube.004_Cube.002_Cube.004_Cube.001
v -5.444204 -0.400866 -2.532493
v -5.444204 6.224983 -2.532492
v 5.465441 6.224983 -2.532492
v 5.465441 -0.400866 -2.532493
v 5.465441 -0.400866 -2.037360
v 5.465441 6.224983 -2.037359
v -5.444204 6.224983 -2.037359
v -5.444204 -0.400866 -2.037360
vt 3.257027 0.409433
vt 3.252763 2.223569
vt 0.243440 2.224055
vt 0.257004 0.409919
vt -1.201023 0.999689
vt -1.200402 -0.031609
vt 2.609196 -0.030988
vt 2.608574 1.000310
vn 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000
vn 0.0000 -0.0000 1.0000
usemtl Material.017
s 1
f 53/77/12 54/78/12 55/79/12 56/80/12
f 57/81/13 58/82/13 59/83/13 60/84/13

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