Welcome to Sun Smash, the fun physics puzzle game about destroying planetary systems. Make way for the next great intergalacic highway, Arthur Dent be damned!
- Physics puzzle fun
- Dynamic performance rating
- Easy level generation
- Dynamic level generation
- Options menu
- High score menu
- Pinch zoom on maps
- Perfect controls
- Updated high resolution art (iPad retina)
- More weapon options (multi, exploding, homing, etc. shot)
- Pinch rotation
- Chipmunk Physics Engine
- Cocos 2D Game Engine
- Cocos Denshion
- Cocos Live
- Font Label
- Touch JSON
I started this project in college as my major's thesis, more or less. Wanting to hone my game development skill, I plan to polish off and publish this game into the app store for all to enjoy and critique. Thus begins my life as a proper game developer!