Because leboncoin doesn't provide a real time alert system, the goal of this project is to create your own, to be notified when a new ad is available.
- This project depends on Python3.4 and newer, be careful of which version of python you are using
- Then install the requirements with this command :
pip install -r requirements.txt
Go check the file and add your own settings :
- To find the url of your need, just go on leboncoin website, make a search of whatever you want, and copy and paste the url in the corresponding setting parameter. You can add has many urls as you want.
- Then, fill the informations about the email details, receiver, sender, etc.
Once requirements satisfied, the idea is to run the script on a server, using a cron job.
To do so :
to your servergit clone
this project- install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(you might needsudo
) - add your settings
- create a new cronjob
crontab -e
- add a line like
* * * * * /path/to/your/python/executable /home/user/path/to/the/script/
Like this the script will be executed every minute - exit the crontab with
ctrl + x
if you use nano editor, and you're good to go !
To enable Gmail to send you email throught this app, you'll have to active the Less secure app
option in your Google account has described in this stackoverflow thread.