In a word: convenience. On a static site the copyright date usually only gets updated at build time. This web component aims to allow for progressive enhancement of the copyright date.
Yup! As needs arise I'll be working on the component and any issues submitted but community contributions are welcome.
<script type="module" src=""></script>
npm i auto-right
// JavaScript File
import { autoRight } from "auto-right";
customElements.define("auto-right", autoRight)
Technically this web component can be used anywhere the current year needs to be loaded or progressively enhanced.
You can put the current year or a server-side code snippet in between <auto-right>
. Please be aware the web component will replace anything you put in between the tags with the current year.
<p>Copyright ®<auto-right>{% year %}</auto-right></p>
<!-- At build time the year variable is generated from the server and is
later progressively enhanced to guarantee the latest year -->
<!-- Nunjucks example ⬆️ -->
<p>Copyright ®<auto-right>2022</auto-right></p>
<!-- Regular HTML ⬆️ -->