This will deploy a sample application in the 'default' namespace. By default, the sample application is wordpress. And in order for the wordpress application to be enabled for Disaster Recovery (DR), the default ramen custom resource will also be used. And finally, you have to set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to a kubeconfig file giving you admin role on that mananged cluster. --cluster-config /path/to/cluster/config --namespace mynamespace --app /path/to/app --ramen /path/to/ramencr
You can also specify non default arguments as shown.
- --cluster-config: the location of the config file for the cluster where the app will be deployed on
- --namespace: the namespace for the application
- --app: the path location of the app resources
- --ramen: is the path location of the ramen custom resource --pvpath /path/to/pv-backups
This command will deploy a wordpress application using the default app location, ramen cr, and cluster config. The --pvpath is for deploying the backup up PVs during the failover/failback.
For more details, look at the full documentation here