Figure: Style mixing with multiple style images. The style vectors are replaced from source to style image on given semantic masks.
Figure: Superpixel based Style Encoding. To extract style codes of a specific semantic mask, we convert the input image into the five-dimensional space and cluster it in the semantic mask into superpixels. Thereafter, pixel values in each superpixel are averaged to obtain a style code.
This update is to correct minor errors in ''
Existing methods for image synthesis utilized a style encoder based on stacks of convolutions and pooling layers to generate style codes from input images. However, the encoded vectors do not necessarily contain local information of the corresponding images since small-scale objects are tended to "wash away" through such downscaling procedures. In this paper, we propose deep image synthesis with superpixel based style encoder, named as SuperStyleNet. First, we directly extract the style codes from the original image based on superpixels to consider local objects. Second, we recover spatial relationships in vectorized style codes based on graphical analysis. Thus, the proposed network achieves high-quality image synthesis by mapping the style codes into semantic labels. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art ones in terms of visual quality and quantitative measurements. Furthermore, we achieve elaborate spatial style editing by adjusting style codes.SuperStlyeNet: Deep Image Synthesis with Superpixel Based Style Encoder
Jonghuyn Kim, Gen Li, Cheolkon Jung, Joongkyu Kim
British Machine Vision Conference BMVC 2021
[Paper] [Full Paper]
Clone this repo.
Install requirements:
``` torch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 easydict matplotlib opencv-python glob3 pillow dill dominate>=2.3.1 scikit-image QDarkStyle==2.7 qdarkgraystyle==1.0.2 tensorboard==1.14.0 tensorboardX==1.9 tqdm==4.32.1 urllib3==1.25.8 visdom== ```- This network uses CelebAMask-HQ, Cityscapes, and CMP-Facade datasets. After downloading these datasets, unzip and save train and test images as follows:
├── celeba
| ├── train
| | ├── images
| | ├── labels
| | └── codes
| ├── test
| | ├── images
| | ├── labels
| | └── codes
├── cityscapes
| ├── train
| | ├── images
| | ├── labels
| | └── codes
| ├── test
| | ├── images
| | ├── labels
| | └── codes
- Download style codes in each dataset from Google Drive. After downloading them, unzip and save in
./dataset/[dataset name]/[train or test]/codes
. To extract style codes using SPSE, it requires a lot of time. Thereby, we provide all style codes of three datasets.
After preparing test images, the reconstructed images can be obtained using the pretrained model.
- Creat a
folder. Download pretrained weight from Google Drive and upzip
in the./checkpoint/celeba
folder. - Run
to generate synthesized images with a below code, which will be saved in./checkpoint/celeba/result
. Save path and details can be edited in./options/
python --name celeba --load_size 256 --crop_size 256 --dataset_mode custom --label_dir datasets/celeba/test/labels --image_dir datasets/celeba/test/images --label_nc 19 --instance_dir datasets/celeba/test/codes --which_epoch 50 --gpu_ids 0
- Check your personal setting (i.e., implementation details, save path, and so on) in
. - Run
python --name celeba --gpu_ids 0,1,2,3 --batchSize 32 --load_size 256 --crop_size 256 --dataset_mode custom --label_nc 19 --label_dir datasets/celeba/train/labels --image_dir datasets/celeba/train/images --instance_dir datasets/celeba/train/codes
- Save train and test images with labels in
./datasets/[dataset name]/train/[images or labels]
and./datasets/[dataset name]/test/[images or labels]
folders, respectively. - Run
to extract and save style vectors. This process requires a lot of time. - Check your personal setting (i.e., implementation details, save path, and so on) in
. - Run
python --name personal_data --gpu_ids 0,1,2,3 --batchSize 32 --load_size 256 --crop_size 256 --dataset_mode custom --label_nc 19 --label_dir datasets/[dataset name]/train/labels --image_dir datasets/[dataset name]/train/images --instance_dir datasets/[dataset name]/train/codes
If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers.
title={SuperStyleNet: Deep Image Synthesis with Superpixel Based Style Encoder},
author={Jonghyun Kim and Gen Li and Cheolkon Jung and Joongkyu Kim},
booktitle={British Machine Vision Conference},