- This is an app that we were tasked with during out time at Bottega.
- We want to make an app that gives the user the ability to create a shopping list with the possability of adding a wishlist for other users to see what someone wants and anonymously purchase those items.
- Create a shopping list item
- Get a shopping list item
- Update shopping list item
- Delete shopping list item
- Authentication/Create User
- Different pages
- Create new list
- Wishlist
- Coupons
- Anonymous purchasing
- price match
- Gift cards
- adding shopping cart
- pantry list(already owned items)
- recipe items/save recipe
- frequently pruchased items
- group lists
- divvy purchases
- invited lists/private list
- live edit for lists w/ alerts/notifications
- admin/list owner(approves edits/suggestions)
The lower the number the darker the color (dark = black, primary = reds, accents = gray - white,)
--dark: #0b090aff;
--dark1: #161a1dff;
--primary: #660708ff;
--primary1: #a4161aff;
--primary2: #ba181bff;
--primary3: #e5383bff;
--accent: #b1a7a6ff;
--accent1: #d3d3d3ff;
--accent2: #f5f3f4ff;
--accent3: #ffffffff;
Logo - Ubunto Bolg Italic Navbar and Footer - Nunito Medium Body - Nunito regular