Go here to use the calendar.
This repackages the NCSU exam calendar ( into a form I, at least, find easier to search than CTRL-F and manual review on the official page.
This is a first brush at anything major in HTML, React-style architecture, Rust Dioxus layout, and WASM. It is not (but one day may be) elegant or pretty.
See the first item to use the github pages host. This is pushed to the docs/ folder.
To host locally install both dixous-cli (cargo install dioxus-cli
) and the rust target wasm32-unknown-unknown
Download and build dioxus-cli locally -- parts of the WASM ecosystem require exact version matching at the moment.
Run with diouxs serve --features web
Make sure you have WebView (\_started/desktop).
Run cargo run --features desktop --bin ncsu_exam_desktop
To bundle for desktop, switch the default bin from web to desktop and use bundle
from the dioxus-cli.
cargo run --bin ncsu_exam_cli
Currently just creates the JSON that is fed into the GUI.
Can be taken directly from target as a standalone binary.
Use cargo build -p ncsu_exam_calendar_cli
to build the CLI in target
Use dx bundle --bin ncsu_exam_calendar_desktop --release
to build the desktop GUI package(s) in desktop/dist/bundle
If in Windows, change the icon '/' path in desktop/Dioxus.toml to '\\'
Use web/optimize.bash
for the up to date and optimized web version (
Yes, the styling is the defaults.
No, I do not plan on improving them.
Tailwind is set-up to use input.css
if you want to improve style feel free to edit that and uncomment line 38 in Dioxus.toml
to enable the tailwind CSS.
Unlike the CSS, I am interested in comments about the actual HTML layout.
- Major refactor planned to make code less of a monolithic mess
- Have not figured out a way to pull the JSON from the server we are hosted on, instead of injecting it into the application
- Looks like it is impossible to download the NCSU webpage for reformatting on the live application due to CORS
- Version numbers and web default data file are currently manual