This code uses LOBPCG to find the minimum eigenvalue of a matrix. Knowledge of the minimum eigenvalue can be used to regularize the matrix to be positive (semi)definite.
Add LOBPCG to your matlab folder, and then run
Using LOBPCG is very simple. For a sparse symmetrical matrix A, do
lambda = lobpcg_mex(A);
If A is dense, do
lambda = lobpcg_mex(sparse(A));
The algorithm implemented here is described in detail in Algorithm 4.1 in
Knyazev, A. V. (2001). Toward the optimal preconditioned eigensolver: Locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient method. SIAM journal on scientific computing, 23(2), 517-541.
The method also makes use of the eigenvalue problem solving implemented in LAPACK, particularly of dsyev
and dsygv