aacmdparse.bash is a bash library that allows your code to parse command line arguments into an associative array.
bpkg install stephenhamilton/aacmdparse
First you source the parser in your code or terminal using source aacmdparse
. This loads in two functions for parsing and sets up the structures for their output.
parses the arguments passed to it into two variables. The named arguments go into the associative array argMap
. The remaining positional parameters are placed in vargs
If you want to accept parameters with arguments you can specify which should accept values in an array called assignableParameters
For example:
declare -a assignableParameters=( s test )
aacmdparse 1 -p -fb 3 -s 5 --test test1 -- -d
declare -p argMap
declare -A argMap='([b]="" [f]="" [test]="test1" [p]="" [s]="5" )'
declare -p vargs
declare -a vargs='([0]="1" [1]="3" [2]="-d")'
Note that the function blanks these structures each time it is run.
is a wrapper around aacmdparse which takes input on stdin, splits it emulating the way bash performs space expansion, then parses the resulting arguments using aacmdparse