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Viral B. Shah edited this page Aug 6, 2011 · 1 revision

To gain indexing functionality rapidly, N-dimensional indexing can be implemented in terms of repeated slicing:

function ref(A::Tensor, I...)
   for i = 1:length(I)
       A = slice(A,i,I[i])
   return A

The slice(A,n,i) function takes a tensor, the dimension to slice, and the index to slice it with. For example, slice(A,2,1:3) is equivalent to A[:,1:3,:] when A is 3-d.

Example implementation for a scalar index:

function slice(A::Tensor, n::Int, i::Int)
    d_in = dims(A)
    d_out = [d_in[:(n-1)],d_in[(n+1):]]

    M = prod(d_out[:n-1])
    N = M * prod(d_out[n:])
    stride = M * d_in[n]

    B = make_similar(A, dims=d_out)
    for j=1:N
        B[j] = A[1 + (i-1)*M + ((j-1)%M) + ((j-1)/M)*stride]
    return B

Here is an alternate implementation that might be faster and easier to adapt to other kinds of indexing:

function slice(A::Tensor, n::Int, i::Int)
    d_in = dims(A)
    d_out = [d_in[:(n-1)],d_in[(n+1):]]

    M = prod(d_in[:(n-1)])
    N = prod(d_in)
    stride = M * d_in[n]

    B = make_similar(A, dims=d_out)
    index_offset = 1 + (i-1)*M
    l = 1
    for j=0:stride:(N-stride)
        offs = j + index_offset
        for k=0:(M-1)
            B[l] = A[offs + k]
    return B

This code looks at the data as "pseudo-2d", where the inner loop handles copying leading dimensions (dimensions before the one indexed) and the outer loop moves through the trailing dimensions. Another way to see it is that the inner loop handles the contiguous ("memcpy") copying. When n==1, M==1 too and the inner loop isn't needed; this could be handled as a special case.