is a bunch of scripts and utility code for loading data into dataverse.
start(["start(dir, doi)"]) --> walkDirectory["walkDirectory(dir)"]
--> forEachFile --> fileSuccess{"success?"} -->|true| updateDataverse
--> success{"success?"} -->|true| End(["end"])
subgraph forEachFile["forEachFile (map)"]
handleFile --> copyToDVStorage
subgraph handleFile["handleFile(filename)"]
generateStorageIdentifier -->fileMetadata
getPathname --> splitPathAndFileName & getMimeType & md5Hash --> fileMetadata[/"fileMetadata"/]
subgraph copyToDVStorage
dest["dest = dvFilesDir + splitDoi + storageIdentifier"] -->
copyFile["copyFile(source, dest)"] --> compareMD5["compareMD5(source, dest)"]
subgraph updateDataverse["updateDataverse (reduce)"]
direction TB
note["presumes we send one blob of JSON for all files.
could post single files or batches."]-.->
prepareJSON --> postJSONToDataverse --> logDataverseFileID[(logDataverseFileID)]
fileSuccess -->|false| fileFail(["fail (file job)"]) -.-> Fail
success -->|false| Fail(["fail (dataset job)"])
for files that fail because of timeouts related to size. this requires dataverse.files.<id>.upload-out-of-band=true
to be set (see Dataverse documentation).
for each file in a batch:
- generate a storageIdentifier for the file
- upload the file to that storageIdentifier in the correct Dataverse
subdirectory (i.e.files/$PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER
) - create a json blob like so:
"description": "",
"md5Hash": "${checksum}",
then, when you have a batch:
- make an array of all the json objects
- POST to "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/addFiles?persistentId=$PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER", with formdata "jsonData=$JSON_DATA"
- sidekiq is a better infrastucture