Utility allowing one to import/export OpCon Vision workspace (cards) between OpCon environments.
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Uses the opCon API to perform the functions, so need an opCon-API license
Vision Deploy provides the mechanism to move Vision Definitions between OpCon Systems. It uses the OpCon-API to perform these functions. It consists of two program Export.exe and Import.exe
Is used to extract Vision definitions from an opCon System. The export program extracts information at the top Group Tag level and all tags associated with the group.
It supports the following arguments.
-url The url of the OpCon System (https://: or http://:). -u The name of an OpCon user that has the appropriate OpCon-API privileges (best to use a user which is a member of the Ocadm group). -p The password of the OpCon user (best to execute program from within OpCon and use encrypted property for password protection). -odir The name of the directory where the exported file information will be saved. The program creates a single file containing the action, frequency and card definitions. A file name consisting of VISION_EXTRACT_ and a timestamp (format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss) is created in the output directory (example VISION_EXTRACT_20200317_081140.json). -gn Optional argument defining the name(s) Groups to extract at the top Group Tag level (multiple names should be comma seperated - default is all). -debug Set program into debug mode.
Example :
<install_dir>\Export.exe -url "https://bvhtest02:9010" -u "ocadm" -p "[[password]]" -odir "<install_dir>\data" -gn "LzLabs Demo,Critical" -debug
Is used to import Vision definitions from a definitions file into OpCon System. The import program merges the information contained in the definitions file with the data already defined on the OpCon System. It should be understood that when the program starts, a copy of the existing Vision definitions are extracted from the OpCon System and the this is merged with the definitions in the definitions file. Once completed the definitions are written into the OpCon system.
To prevent loss of Vision definitions during the import process, no other users should be creating Vision definitions.
It supports the following arguments.
-url The url of the OpCon System (https://: or http://:). -u The name of an OpCon user that has the appropriate OpCon-API privileges (best to use a user which is a member of the Ocadm group). -p The password of the OpCon user (best to execute program from within OpCon and use encrypted property for password protection). -idir The name of the directory that contains the file information to import. -f The name of the file containing the definitions to import (example VISION_EXTRACT_20200317_081140.json). -debug Set program into debug mode.
<install_dir>\Import.exe -url "https://bvhtest02:9010" -u "ocadm" -p "[[password]]" -idir "<install_dir>\data" -f "VISION_EXTRACT_20200317_081140.json" -debug
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