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LIONHEART is a method for detecting cancer from whole genome sequenced plasma cell-free DNA.


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LIONHEART Cancer Detector

LIONHEART is a method for detecting cancer from whole genome sequenced plasma cell-free DNA.

This software lets you run feature extraction and predict the cancer status of your samples. Further, you can train a model on your own data.

Developed for hg38. See the remap directory for the applied remapping pipeline.


The code was developed and implemented by @ludvigolsen.

If you experience an issue, please report it.


This section describes the installation of lionheart and the custom version of mosdepth (exp. time: <10m). The code has only been tested on linux but should also work on Mac and Windows.

Install the main package:

# Create and activate conda environment
$ conda config --set channel_priority true
$ conda env create -f
$ conda activate lionheart

# Install package from PyPI
$ pip install lionheart

# OR install from GitHub
$ pip install git+

Custom mosdepth

We use a modified version of mosdepth available at

To install this, it requires an installation of nim so we can use nimble install. Note that we use nim 1.6.14.

# Download nim installer and run
$ curl -sSf | sh

# Add to PATH
# Change the path to fit with your system
# Tip: Consider adding it to the terminal configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc)
$ export PATH=/home/<username>/.nimble/bin:$PATH

# Install and use nim 1.6.4 
# NOTE: This step should be done even when nim is already installed
$ choosenim 1.6.14

Now that nim is installed, we can install the custom mosdepth. To not override an existing mosdepth installation, we install it into a separate directory:

# Make a directory for installing the nim packages into
$ mkdir mosdepth_installation

# Install modified mosdepth
$ NIMBLE_DIR=mosdepth_installation nimble install -y

# Get path to mosdepth binary to use in the software
$ find mosdepth_installation/pkgs/ -name "mosdepth*"
>> mosdepth_installation/pkgs/mosdepth-0.x.x/mosdepth

Get Resources

Download and unzip the required resources.

$ wget
$ tar -xvzf inference_resources_v002.tar.gz 

Main commands

This section describes the commands in lionheart and lists their main output files:

Command Description Main Output
lionheart extract_features Extract features from a BAM file. feature_dataset.npy and correction profiles
lionheart predict_sample Predict cancer status of a sample. prediction.csv
lionheart collect Collect predictions and/or features across samples. predictions.csv, feature_dataset.npy, and correction profiles for all samples
lionheart customize_thresholds Extract ROC curve and more for using custom probability thresholds. ROC_curves.json and probability_densities.csv
lionheart cross_validate Cross-validate the model on new data and/or the included features. evaluation_summary.csv, splits_summary.csv
lionheart train_model Train a model on your own data and/or the included features. model.joblib and training data results
lionheart validate Validate a model on a validation dataset. evaluation_scores.csv and predictions.csv
lionheart evaluate_univariates Evaluate the cancer detection potential of each feature separately. univariate_evaluations.csv


Run via command-line interface

This example shows how to run lionheart from the command-line.

Note: If you don't have a BAM file at hand, you can download an example BAM file from: It is a downsampled version of a public BAM file from Snyder et al. (2016; 10.1016/j.cell.2015.11.050) that has been remapped to hg38. On our system, the feature extraction for this sample takes ~1h15m using 12 cores (n_jobs).

# Start by skimming the help page
$ lionheart -h

# Extract feature from a given BAM file
# `mosdepth_path` is the path to the customized `mosdepth` installation
# E.g., "/home/<username>/mosdepth/mosdepth"
# `ld_library_path` is the path to the `lib` folder in the conda environment
# E.g., "/home/<username>/anaconda3/envs/lionheart/lib/"
$ lionheart extract_features --bam_file {bam_file} --resources_dir {resources_dir} --out_dir {out_dir} --mosdepth_path {mosdepth_path} --ld_library_path {ld_library_path} --n_jobs {cores}

# `sample_dir` is the `out_dir` of `extract_features`
$ lionheart predict_sample --sample_dir {sample_dir} --resources_dir {resources_dir} --out_dir {out_dir} --thresholds max_j spec_0.95 spec_0.99 sens_0.95 sens_0.99 0.5 --identifier {sample_id}

After running these commands for a set of samples, you can use lionheart collect to collect features and predictions across the samples. You can then use lionheart train_model to train a model on your own data (and optionally the included features).

Via gwf workflow

We provide a simple workflow for submitting jobs to slurm via the gwf package. Make a copy of the workflow directory, open, change the paths and list the samples to run lionheart on.

The first time running a workflow it's required to first set the gwf backend to slurm or one of the other backends:

# Start by downloading the repository
$ wget -O
$ unzip

# Copy workflow directory to a location
$ cp -r lionheart-main/workflow <location>/workflow

# Navigate to your copy of the the workflow directory
$ cd <location>/workflow

# Activate conda environment
$ conda activate lionheart

# Set `gwf` backend to slurm (or another preferred backend)
$ gwf config set backend slurm

Open the file and change the various paths. When you're ready to submit the jobs, run:

$ gwf run

gwf allows seeing a status of the submitted jobs:

$ gwf status
$ gwf status -f summary

Reproduction of results

This section shows how to reproduce the main results (cross-validation and external validation) from the paper. It uses the included features so the reproduction can be run without access to the raw sequencing data.

Note that different compilations of scikit-learn on different operating systems may lead to slightly different results. On linux, the results should match the reported results.

Cross-validation analysis

We start by performing the nested leave-one-dataset-out cross-validation analysis from Figure 3A (not including the benchmarks).

Note that the default settings are the ones used in the paper.

# Perform the cross-validation
# {cv_out_dir} should specify where you want the output files
$ lionheart cross_validate --out_dir {cv_out_dir} --resources_dir {resources_dir} --use_included_features --num_jobs 10

The output directory should now include multiple files. The main results are in evaluation_summary.csv and splits_summary.csv. Note that the results are given for multiple probability thresholds. The threshold reported in the paper is the "Max. J Threshold". You can extract the relevant lines of the summaries with:

$ awk 'NR==1 || /Average/ && /J Threshold/' {cv_out_dir}/evaluation_summary.csv
$ awk 'NR==1 || /Average/ && /J Threshold/' {cv_out_dir}/splits_summary.csv

External validation analysis

To reproduce the external validation, we first train a model on all the included training datasets and then validate it on the included validation dataset:

# Train a model on the included datasets
# {new_model_dir} should specify where you want the model files
$ lionheart train_model --out_dir {new_model_dir} --resources_dir {resources_dir} --use_included_features

# Validate the model on the included validation dataset
# {val_out_dir} should specify where you want the output files
$ lionheart validate --out_dir {val_out_dir} --resources_dir {resources_dir} --model_dir {new_model_dir} --use_included_validation --thresholds 'max_j'

The model training creates the model.joblib file along with predictions and evaluations from the training data (e.g., predictions.csv, evaluation_scores.csv, and ROC_curves.json).

The validation creates evaluation_scores.csv and predictions.csv from applying the model on the validation dataset. You will find the reported AUC score in evaluation_scores.csv:

$ cat {val_out_dir}/evaluation_scores.csv

Univariate analyses

Finally, we reproduce the univariate modeling evaluations in Figure 2D and 2E:

# Evaluate the classification potential of each cell type separately
# {univariates_dir} should specify where you want the evaluation files
$ lionheart evaluate_univariates --out_dir {univariates_dir} --resources_dir {resources_dir} --use_included_features --num_jobs 10

This creates the univariate_evaluations.csv file with evaluation metrics per cell-type. There are coefficients and p-values (bonferroni-corrected) from univariate logistic regression models and evaluation metrics from per-cell-type leave-one-dataset-out cross-validation.