A Maze Path Finder Implemented in Python with the help of A* Algorithm including both the Terminal Version and GUI Version
This program need pygame to be installed in your machine to run.
This version solves the maze in the terminal itself and prints the maze for each update like visit,add to frontier etc. It uses the basic A* algorithm to solve and the Heuristic is the Manhattan distance from the present state to the goal state. The allowed direction of movement from any state is only North, South, East and West. In other words diagnol movement is not possible.
Finally after the path has been found the maze is printed in the teminal along with the shortest path denoted by ‘P’ from the start state ‘S’ and the goal state ‘G’. The walls are denoted by ‘W’ . If a block has been visited by the algorithm while exploring the path then it is denoted by ‘V’ . If a block has been added to the frontier but not yet visited, then it is denoted by ‘F’. The rest all blocks are denoted by ‘-’.
The Input format is defined as follows
- Number of Rows and Columns
- Start State's Row and Column (0-indexed)
- Goal State's Row and Column (0-indexed)
- Number of Walls = k
- The Wall Rows and columns in k lines
8 11
7 0
0 10
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6
3 6
4 6
5 6
Shown below are some Sample Test Cases Outputs which shows the shortest path from start state to goal in the bottom of every picture
This Version includes a graphical interface(Slow and Faster Version) where the user can define his maze(Start State,Goal State and walls) implemented in pygame. The user has to enter the number of Rows and press "Enter" button and then enter the number of Columns. Next in the main screen the first click on any block becomes the start state(Green Color) and the next click becomes the goal state(Red Color) and then the rest all clicks set the blocks to walls(Blue Color). Now on pressing the Go button the A* Algorithm runs and every step can be visualized graphically. It is the extended version of the Terminal Version. The Slower Version gives the user some time to make sure that the step taken by the bot is rational. The faster version gives the path in real time unlike the slower version.
A demo video of how to use the GUI version can be found in the Videos folder