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This is a blog application that allows users to authenticate and manage their blog posts. It is built following clean architecture principles using Flutter, Bloc, and Supabase.

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Blog App

This is a blog application that allows users to authenticate and manage their blog posts. It is built following clean architecture principles using Flutter, Bloc, and Supabase.

Getting Started

  1. Create a new Supabase project.

  2. Configure your Supabase project:

    • In the SQL Editor, run the following scripts to set up the database:

      -- Create a table for public profiles
      create table profiles (
      id uuid references auth.users not null primary key,
      updated_at timestamp with time zone,
      name text,
      constraint name_length check (char_length(name) >= 3)
      -- Set up Row Level Security (RLS)
      alter table profiles enable row level security;
      create policy "Public profiles are viewable by everyone." on profiles
      for select using (true);
      create policy "Users can insert their own profile." on profiles
      for insert with check ((select auth.uid()) = id);
      create policy "Users can update own profile." on profiles
      for update using ((select auth.uid()) = id);
      -- Trigger for creating a profile entry on user signup
      create function public.handle_new_user()
      returns trigger as $$
      insert into public.profiles (id, name)
      values (, new.raw_user_meta_data->>'name');
      return new;
      $$ language plpgsql security definer;
      create trigger on_auth_user_created
      after insert on auth.users
      for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();
      -- Create a table for public blogs
      create table blogs (
      id uuid not null primary key,
      updated_at timestamp with time zone,
      poster_id uuid not null,
      title text not null,
      content text not null,
      image_url text,
      topics text array,
      foreign key (poster_id) references public.profiles(id));
      -- Set up Row Level Security (RLS)
      alter table blogs enable row level security;
      create policy "Public blogs are viewable by everyone." on blogs
      for select using (true);
      create policy "Users can insert their own blogs." on blogs
      for insert with check ((select auth.uid()) = poster_id);
          create policy "Users can update own blogs." on blogs
      for update using ((select auth.uid()) = poster_id);
      -- Set up Storage
      insert into storage.buckets (id, name)
      values ('blog_images', 'blog_images');
      -- Set up access controls for storage
      create policy "Blog images are publicly accessible." on storage.objects
      for select using (bucket_id = 'blog_images');
      create policy "Anyone can upload a blog image." on storage.objects
      for insert with check (bucket_id = 'blog_images');
      create policy "Anyone can update their own blog image." on storage.objects
      for update using ((select auth.uid()) = owner) with check (bucket_id = 'blog_images');
  3. Add your Supabase URL and API key to the app:

    • Create a file at /lib/core/secrets/app_secrets.dart and add your Supabase URL and API key:

      class AppSecrets {
      static const supabaseUrl = 'YOUR_SUPABASE_URL';
      static const supabaseAnonKey = 'YOUR_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY';
  4. Run the app:

    flutter run


This is a blog application that allows users to authenticate and manage their blog posts. It is built following clean architecture principles using Flutter, Bloc, and Supabase.






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