My blog using py3, Django1.9. Checkout how it works:
clone the repository, create a virtual env with all dependencies installed.
git clone
cd Blog/Blog
conda create -n web3 -f condarequirement python=3.6
source activate web3
- Go to the file Blog/Blog/ and customize your setting. The variables are self-explanatory.
- Remove the baidu-site-verification meta line in the file Blog/Blog/templates/posts/base.html since the code is just for myself.
Remember to create database and database user in mysql.
You need to start celery worker process so that the blog could send activation email asynchronously.
celery -A Blog worker
To debug just run python runserver. For deployment, I recommend gunicorn and nginx. Note that you need to set up nginx to serve static and media files. This is important! Don't use django to serve static files.