Prerequisites: joystick
sudo apt-get install joystick
Use jstest to find the joystick device file in /dev/input. Can be done by
jstest /dev/input/jsX
where X is the number of input joysticks. Find the appropriate one, and make changes in reader.c accordingly
To setup the LKM: In the directory of the files, provide superuser privileges.
sudo su
and enter your password. Then:
gcc -o reader reader.c
gcc -o caller caller.c
Create a dummy character device file /dev/dummy for our Kernel-related operations.
sudo mknod /dev/dummy c 95 0
To install the LKM: In the same directory as the files
sudo insmod joy_driver.ko
This will install the LKM onto the kernel. To verify if the LKM has initialized properly, use: dmesg | tail -n 2
This should give an output similar to:
[5958.146652] Initialize Driver!
[5958.146669] joy_driver registered Device number Major: 95, M
inor: 0
To run the application files: Call in the following order to avoid errors
To unload LKM:
sudo rmmod joy_driver.ko
To clean files made during .ko generation:
make clean
Controller inputs will be read as js_event defined in the linux/joystick.h library. js_event is defined as:
struct js_event{
_u32 time; // event timestamp
_s16 value;
_u8 type; // type of event
_u8 number; // axis/button number
Event types are defined as follows:
#define JS_EVENT_BUTTON 0x01 // button pressed or released
#define JS_EVENT_AXIS 0x02 // analog stick
#define JS_EVENT_INIT 0x80 // initial state of device
struct mousek_device uses a USB Request block to get USB data and takes controller input to push out input data and the variables x and y are used to keep track of the position of the controller input device code block
struct mousek_device {
signed char data[4]; /* use a 4-byte protocol */
struct urb urb; /* USB Request block, to get USB data*/
struct input_dev *idev; / pointer for input device, to push out input data */
int x, y; /* keep track of the position of this device */
Contains definitions for a _IOR macro and a struct joyinp used to transfer data from caller.c to the LKM defined in joy_driver.c
struct joyinp{
int number; // Button or Axis number
int type; // Type of event
int value; // Value of data attributed to the button/axis
#define READVALUE _IOR('m', 'n', struct joyinp *)
Uses the functionality from linux/joystick.h to read data from joystick input, convert it to a string and write it into a file, from where caller.c will be able to read it.
Opens a /dev/dummy file for performing LKM calls. It reads the data stored in joyInputs.txt, converts it to appropriate type, puts it in a struct and passes it to the kernel module defined in joy_driver.c
Linux Loadable Kernel Module LKM to take data recieved from caller.c and use it to operate the mouse pointer.
Called when caller.c opens an instance of /dev/dummy using 'open()' from ioctl.h. Prints a message to the kernel to indicate it has been called.
Called when caller.c closes an instance of a device file using 'close()' from ioctl.h. Prints a message to the kernel to indicate it has been called.
Called when caller.c calls 'ioctl()' after reading the values and passing it into the appropriate struct joyinp format. The macro defined has a magic number attributed that will allow this method to perform appropriate actions using the switch case ladder.
Initialization function for the LKM. When loaded onto the kernel using insmod
print the following to the kernel (on success):
[5958.146652] Initialize Driver!
[5958.146669] joy_driver registered Device number Major: 95, M
inor: 0
Ensure that that the Major and Minor numbers being registered for the device file in this init method match with those of the /dev/dummy file that is being created.
Exit function for the LKM. When unloaded from the kernel using rmmod
will print the following to the kernel:
[ 1722.550794] exit module
References taken from the following directories on the author's github:
- 01_simple_LKM
- 02_dev_nr
- 13_ioctl
Youtube Tutorials Referred:
Group Tetris. (n.d.). How to use the linux/joystick.h library. How To Use The linux/joystick.h Library.
Espinosa, R. H. (1998, August 7). Joystick API Documentation . The Linux Kernel Archives.
- Divith Mahajan - 2020B3A31513G - Basic LKM structure Code, caller.c file, Documentation regarding the LKM init, exit, open, close methods, File operations idea to transfer data from reader to caller to LKM (40%).
- Akshat Saboo - 2020B3A80709G - Attempted integration with X11 for mouse control and documentation regarding setup, initalize, running and unloading (10%).
- Divyam Srivastava - 2020B2A82103G - Documentation of Structs and _IOR macro used throughout the project, Reader file to read controller input (15%).
- Bhamare Yash Prashant - 2020B2A80760G - Reader file to read controller input (5%)
- Harshith Harithsa R - 2020B2A42007G - Implementation of Left Mouse Button (LMB) mapped to LB button of controller in LKM (30%)