- Entities: article, comment, category, tag, user and etc.
- Pages: all articles, sorting articles by category and tag, single article with new comment form and list of all comments.
- Pagination via **KnpPaginatorBundle**.
- Breadcrumbs via **BreadcrumbsBundle**.
- Меню (KnpMenuBundle).
- To use Timestampable и Sluggable behaviour from **StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle**.
- Fixtures for all entities.
- Menu with categories on all pages except admin pages.
- Notifications about new articles.
- Adminpanel via **SonataAdminBundle**:
- to manage all entities in adminpanel (list with filters, review, add/edit/delete)
- to sort list by different fields
- Tags are as text lines.
- Search articles.
- Tree category behaviour via **StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle**.
- Configure pagination (article count per page via own bundle).
- Like-action for articles.
- Wysiwyg-editor for articles.
- Override error pages (404, 403, 500).
- Translated files.
- User profile (settings, articles, comments, likes)
- REST-API with API-doc.
- Tests (PHPUnit, Behat). Code coverage.
To show list all the existing users:
php bin/console app:list-users
To send notifications about new notifications:
php bin/console app:send-notification