Repository for a serverless application to practice coding skills
$ npm install
# development
$ make local-run
# unit tests
$ npm run test
The app is divided in layers, each one with it's own responsibilities.
- interface: Contains the entrypoints of the application, acts a layer of translating external interfaces to the application itself
- http: JSON-api
- lambda: translate lambda api requests into http calls
- use-case: Application layer, define the application specific interface and uses domain and infrastructure layer to execute, efectivelly hidin implementation details from interface code
- domain: Define application business rules, apply structure data validation.
- infrastructure: implements application interface with the database, hides implementation details from domain and application layers
- Add pagination or listing by id to listing endpoints
- Add authentication
- Manage SQL schema through migration
- Add dynamic VPC, Subnet and Security group allocation
- Automatic setup/teardown of endpoint