Moved Gradio to 1.19.2 to meet security requirements.
Updated replacements to fit with COTE Trial
Started work on Gemini integration (proof of concept is there and gemini_service is present, just needs to be integrated into the translation module properly.)
Fix several bugs regarding JSON settings, translation modules use max_tokens properly, GUI updates as well.
Re worked crash control
Readme.md update.
Added Indexing feature, some major optimizations on backend side, webgui updates and speed optimizations
Updates to various demo files and replacements JSON
Support for Fukuin tables via Kairyou
Light prep for Gemini addition
Lots of changes that don't really matter, but will be fully detailed upon v3.4.0
Note that while v3.3.3 was heavily tested, it may still be a bit buggy. Please feel free to open any issues if you run into a problem.
(This release is part of an emergency hotfix to address issues that occurred as seen on: