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An Open Source Discord Bot Written in TypeScript

What is Magicord?

  • Magicord used to be a bot primarily hosted on Botghost but since it was unreliable and had limitations, I decided to move it to Discord.js and Discordx, everything is still being moved so not everything has been added here.


  • Modern reaction roles
  • Setup applications as an alternative to google forms
  • Safety system against raids
  • Configuration to your liking
  • Edit the bot's code to your liking! (Need js knowledge)
  • Silly commands (cuz why not)


Get Magicord


  • Here is the list of current commands of magicord!
Command File Description Permissions
Ban commands/moderation/ban.ts Bans a member from the server BAN_MEMBERS
Echo commands/utils/echo.ts Makes the bot say anything you want it to say ADMINISTRATOR
Embed Message commands/utils/embedmsg.ts Makes the bot send an embed message ADMINISTRATOR
Kick commands/moderation/kick.ts Kicks a member from the server KICK_MEMBERS
Mute commands/moderation/mute.ts Mutes a member by giving them the MUTED role and prevents them from talking anywhere TIMEOUT_MEMBERS
Unmute commands/moderation/unmute.ts Unmutes a user by removing the muted role from them TIMEOUT_MEMBERS
Ping Check commands/utils/pingcheck.ts Checks if the bot is online and gives RAM and CPU usage @everyone
Uptime commands/fetch/uptime.ts Checks how long the bot has been active and when the latest source code change was made @everyone
User commands/fetch/user.ts Lists information about the user @everyone
Stats commands/fetch/stats.ts Checks stats about the bot and the system that the bot is being hosted on @everyone
Ralsay commands/fun/ralsay.ts Sends ASCII art of Ralsei saying text @everyone
Server Stats commands/fetch/serverstats.ts Checks stats of the server the bot is currently in @everyone


❤️ Contributing is heavily appreciated in this project, as of right now, only 1 dev (me) is working on this project, so helping in any way possible is very appreciated, thanks! ❤️

Note for contributing

Do not open pull requests in the main branch, any pull request done there will need to be moved to the Magicord-RollRelease branch, always open pull requests there.

How to setup the bot


Before setting up the bot, you must have at least some JavaScript skill or are familiar with the language, do not open issues on learning JavaScript/TypeScript or "where do I begin from", please look at Discord.js guide and Discordx guide for more information about Discord TypeScript, you may also learn JavaScript at the JavaScript website and TypeScript at TypeScript website, Also, you may need to have some knowledge about the terminal and how to use it including bash and other shells. Please also Keep in mind this bot is not complete at all, and is still being worked on.

  • Firstly, you will have to clone this repository using git or gh cli, if you plan on using git for long term purpose (as in a project) then you may want to keep using git after cloning.

  • "How do i clone a repository?"

  • You have 2 options to clone the repository, either by using git as listed ealier or by forking the repository then using github desktop, i recommend using git, but if you aren't experienced with terminals and such, you may use github desktop.

Cloning the repository using git cli

  • Run the following command in git bash or in terminal (if you are using windows), this guide should work perfectly with linux systems and unix systems (like MacOS and FreeBSD)

You may not have git installed by default, so, install it depending on the OS

Another thing you will have to install is npm (Node Package Manager) for JS, or node


to install git on windows you can either run this in command prompt

winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget 
# to install npm
winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS

or by installing it from The official git website

Linux Distros

  • Debian
sudo apt install git
# to install npm
sudo apt install npm
  • Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S git
# to install npm
sudo pacman -S npm
  • Fedora
sudo dnf install git
# to install npm
sudo dnf install git nodejs 

If you are using any other distro, you should be able to do it on your own


  • MacOS

Firstly, install Homebrew if you haven't yet

brew install git
# to install npm
brew install node
  • FreeBSD
sudo pkg install git
# to install npm
sudo pkg install node


This part of the guide needs YOUR Help in adjusting since most of this OS's were not experimented when installing the packages, if there is any mistake within this part, please open a pull request/issue correcting it, the tested OS's are

  • Arch Linux
  • Debian
  • Fedora

I would heavily appreciate your corrections on this part, thank you

With git installed now its time to clone the repository

git clone

If you forked the repository, then you should do the following instead

git clone<YourUsername>/<YourMagicordForkName>

WARNING: THIS PART BELOW IS NOT RECOMMENDED. If you want to use the latest version of Magicord with the latest changes

git clone -b Magicord-RollRelease


Now, your bot repository is setup in your device, you are missing 2 more steps before the bot is setup

Setting the bot up with your bot token


NEVER ever give your bot token to absolutely ANYONE, giving your bot token to anyone or leaking it can cause catostrophic events to your bot and the servers it is inside, leaking it essentially gives the person access to the bot and do absolutely anything you want, this is fully YOUR responsibility and you should take care of it.

  • Go to your bot folder

  • Then run the following

  • Windows

// For cmd
set BOT_TOKEN=YourBotToken
// For powershell
  • Linux/BSD/MacOS/GitBash
export BOT_TOKEN=YourBotToken

After this, you are all set! you just need to do the following to run the ot and make it online

  • Go to your terminal/command prompt
  • change directory to the bot folder
cd <TheBotFolderName>
  • You will need to install all the dependencies
npm install 
  • And finally...
npm run build && npm run start

And viola! your bot is online, now you can go ahead and customize it all you want

You can make a startup script for your bot if you do not want to deal with running multiple commands to start up the bot.

Steps for Unix-like OS's/Git Bash

  • Make script called start
  • Copy the contents of the StartMagicord script into the start script
  • This should be the contents of the start script
echo "Checking for updates using git..."
git pull 
echo "Exporting BOT_TOKEN variable..."
export BOT_TOKEN=PlaceYourTokenHere
echo "Compiling Typescript to Javascript..."
npm run build
echo "Starting the bot..."
npm run start

If you do not want the bot to auto check for updates and update, then you can remove git pull from the script

  • Replace PlaceYourTokenHere with your actual bot token


If you are hosting your bot on a public git platform (like github or gitlab) then DO NOT delete the .gitignore file as it prevents your token from being leaked and stops the start script from appearing on the public git repository.

  • Make the file executable.
chmod +x start
  • Then, your bot should start upon running the script

Steps for Windows:

  • Make a script named start.bat in your bot directory
  • Copy this into the script
@echo off
echo Checking for updates using git...
git pull

echo Exporting BOT_TOKEN variable...
set BOT_TOKEN=PlaceYourTokenHere

echo Compiling Typescript to Javascript...
npm run build

echo Starting the bot...
npm run start

If you do not want the bot to auto check for updates and update, then you can remove git pull from the script

  • Replace PlaceYourTokenHere with your actual bot token


If you are hosting your bot on a public git platform (like github or gitlab) then DO NOT delete the .gitignore file as it prevents your token from being leaked and stops the start.bat script from appearing on the public git repository.

  • Then, your bot should start upon running the script

Running through Docker and Kubernetes


Development Team: !!Cords!! - Currently not public.