...and an alumni of the Front-End program at the Turing School of Software & Design. I love creating dynamic web applications that are beautiful as well as being chock full of features. I am proficient in JavaScript, Redux, Express, CSS/SASS, HTML, Git, NodeJS, Redux Thunks, and Jest, but I am trying to grow that list every day. I have a passion for team-building, learning, creative problem-solving, and sharing my knowledge with others. If you have any tips for my creations or job opportunities, please send me a message on my LinkedIn or via email at billwilke2@gmail.com!
🔭 I’m currently working on my personal website
🌱 I’m currently learning ** Go **
💬 Ask me about React, JavaScript, TypeScript Node, and Express
📫 How to reach me billwilke2@gmail.com