iPerturb utilizes variational autoencoders for multi-condition integration of single-cell data at the population level. For more information, refer to the PyPI page. Sample information can be found in the vignettes.
Install using pip:
pip install iPerturb
After installation, you can use functions and classes from the iPerturb package in your Python code.
For example:
import iperturb as iPerturb
import torch
import scanpy as sc
cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
if cuda:
print('cuda is available')
print('cuda is not available')
# Load necessary datasets and parameters such as batch_key, condition_key, and groundtruth_key (optional)
dataset = 'Pbmc'
batch_key = 'batch'
condition_key = 'condition'
groundtruth_key = 'groundtruth' # Used for calculating ARI
print(dataset + ' done!')
# Load real data
anndata = sc.read_h5ad('/data/chenyz/iPerturb_project/data/' + dataset + '.h5ad')
savepath = '/data/chenyz/iPerturb_project/Score/result/Result/' + dataset
datasets, raw, var_names, index_names = iPerturb.preprocess.data_load(anndata, batch_key=batch_key, condition_key=condition_key, groundtruth_key=groundtruth_key, n_top_genes=4000)
hyper = iPerturb.utils.create_hyper(datasets, var_names, index_names)
# Train the model
epochs = 30
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam
svi, scheduler, iPerturb_model = iPerturb.model.model_init_(hyper, latent_dim1=100, latent_dim2=30, latent_dim3=30,
optimizer=optimizer, lr=0.006, gamma=0.2, milestones=[20],
set_seed=123, cuda=cuda, alpha=1e-4)
x_pred, reconstruct_data = iPerturb.model.RUN(datasets, iPerturb_model, svi, scheduler, epochs, hyper, raw, cuda, batch_size=100, if_likelihood=True)
reconstruct_data.write(os.path.join(savepath, 'iPerturb.h5ad'))