Fork of Enigmatica 2 (1.12.2)
This pack is unofficial and is NOT affiliated with the creators of Enigmatica. I have permission from NillerMedDild to upload this pack.
This pack is my take on a 1.12.2 modpack. It uses Enigmatica 2 as a base,
but also takes some inspiration from other 1.12.2 packs I've played such as Direwolf20 and ATM3R.
It is a great all-purpose pack for beginners and experienced players.
It is kitchen-sink style, however it includes Enigmatica 2's quest book to help you along.
This pack is medium-heavy, requiring about 5 GB of ram allocated to perform well.
I'd say the pack is just lighter than ATM3R.
As of version 1.02, some mods from E2Eu are included.
This pack does NOT include: refined storage, gregtech, buildcraft, projectE, avaritia, mystical agriculture, others...
Latest release: 1.04 - Changelog
click to show
- actually computers
- ae2 fluid crafting rework
- ae2 unofficial extended life
- alfheim lighting engine
- animus
- aqua acrobatics
- armory expansion
- aroma1997s dimensional world
- better p2p
- better questing unofficial
- binnie's mods patched
- bonsai trees
- chicken chunks
- crossroads/essentials
- /dank/null/no_RCE/
- endergy
- entity culling
- exchangers
- fermiumasm
- file director
- fluidlogged api
- friendly chests
- furniture mod
- gas conduits
- integrated nbt
- jei integration
- jei utilities
- lazy ae2
- lazy ae2 patch
- letsencryptcraft
- lootr
- mekanism energistics
- mob grinding utils
- mod name tooltip
- morph
- morpheus
- nae2
- netherportalfix
- no tema stahp
- optifine (via file director, optional)
- packagedastral
- packagedauto
- packageddraconic
- particle culling
- pressure pipes
- projectred
- proportional destruction particles
- random things
- roguelike dungeons
- roughly enough ids
- seared ladder backport
- simply jetpacks 2
- sledgehammer
- startup timer
- storage drawers extras
- tatw (beta version)
- thaumic augmentation
- thaumic speedup
- the one probe
- tinkers' evolution
- top addons
- universal tweaks
- waim
- waystones
- worley caves
- yarcf
click to show
- ae2, wireless crafting terminal (in favor of ae2 unofficial extended life)
- ae2 stuff (other mods have features that do the same things)
- ai improvements, diet hoppers, ding, fastworkbench, fence jumper, no night vision flashing, quick leaf decay, swing through grass, toast control, unloader (in favor of universal tweaks)
- better questing/standard expansion/quest book (in favor of better questing unofficial)
- betterfps (very little fps improvement, use optifine instead)
- binnie's mods (in favor of binnie's mods patched)
- /dank/null (in favor of /dank/null/no_RCE/)
- extra cells (in favor of mekanism energistics and nae2)
- foamfix (in favor of vintagefix)
- hwyla (in favor of the one probe)
- lostcities (due to jeid/reid incompatibility)
- neid (in favor of roughly enough ids)
- phosphor (in favor of alfheim lighting engine)
- recurrent complex (due to massive server lag)
- streams (causes world gen issues)
- wawla (in favor of the one probe)
click to show
- all mods updated except immersive technology
- animania addons added
click to show
- cofh flat bedrock (not changed)
- astral sorcery - increase level limit
- draconic evolution - disable massive explosions, descrease chaos island distance
- nutrition - allow over eating
- extra utils 2 - disable deep dark dimension
- improve ore dictionary/generation/void miner output
- openblocks - increase elevator range
- embers - decrease ancient golem spawn frequency
- bug fixes
- recipes for flux sponge, creative mana pool/tablet, marble hive, quest book
From this reddit post:
-Xmx5G -Xms4G -XX:+UseG1GC -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
You'll also need Java 8 exactly, and is the best place to get it IMO.
For the server, from
java -Xmx5G -Xms4G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:G1NewSizePercent=30 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=40 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8M -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=15 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=90 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=5 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -Dusing.aikars.flags= -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui
Note: you can usually get away with 4 GB, but 6 GB is better especially for pregen.
- If you want recurrent complex structures in your world, add the mod before you pregenerate the world, then remove it.
- If you want LagGoggles on your spongeforge server, you'll need the latest version that doesn't require TickCentral. Use
. Clients can still connect with the latest version of LagGoggles. - Lootr won't work on spongeforge servers. Also remove lootr before using chunk-pregenerator.
click to show
- the list is gone lol
maybe in future updates:
- nothirium
- mo creatures extended
- subaquatic
- curseforge
- config
- (mods)
- resources
- scripts
- options.txt
- optionsof.txt
- client bundle
- config
- mods
- resources
- scripts
- options.txt
- optionsof.txt
- server bundle
- config
- mods
- scripts
- ServerStart.bat
- settings.cfg
Good ores:
- minecraft:gold_ore
- minecraft:iron_ore
- minecraft:coal_ore
- minecraft:lapis_ore
- minecraft:diamond_ore
- minecraft:redstone_ore
- minecraft:emerald_ore
- minecraft:quartz_ore
- actuallyadditions:block_misc:3
- aroma1997sdimension:miningore:0
- appliedenergistics2:quartz_ore
- appliedenergistics2:charged_quartz_ore
- astralsorcery:blockcustomore:0
- astralsorcery:blockcustomsandore:0
- minecraft:glowstone
- thermalfoundation:ore:0
- thermalfoundation:ore:1
- thermalfoundation:ore:2
- thermalfoundation:ore:3
- thermalfoundation:ore:4
- thermalfoundation:ore:5
- thermalfoundation:ore:6
- thermalfoundation:ore:7
- thermalfoundation:ore:8
- draconicevolution:draconium_ore:0
- tconstruct:ore:0
- tconstruct:ore:1
- mekanism:oreblock:0
- nuclearcraft:ore:3
- nuclearcraft:ore:5
- nuclearcraft:ore:6
- nuclearcraft:ore:7
- ic2:resource:4
- biomesoplenty:gem_ore:0
- biomesoplenty:gem_ore:1
- biomesoplenty:gem_ore:2
- biomesoplenty:gem_ore:3
- biomesoplenty:gem_ore:4
- biomesoplenty:gem_ore:5
- biomesoplenty:gem_ore:6
- biomesoplenty:gem_ore:7
- libvulpes:ore0:0
- libvulpes:ore0:8
- forestry:resources:0
- biomesoplenty:crystal:0
- thermalfoundation:ore_fluid:0
- thermalfoundation:ore_fluid:1
- thermalfoundation:ore_fluid:2
- thermalfoundation:ore_fluid:3
- thermalfoundation:ore_fluid:4
- thaumcraft:ore_cinnabar
- thaumcraft:ore_amber
- rftools:dimensional_shard_ore:0
- projectred-exploration:ore:6
Nether variants:
- draconicevolution:draconium_ore:1
- rftools:dimensional_shard_ore:1
End variants:
- draconicevolution:draconium_ore:2
- rftools:dimensional_shard_ore:2
Ores we don't care about (duplicates):
- mysticalworld:quartz_ore
- mysticalworld:granite_quartz_ore
- bigreactors:oreyellorite
- mekanism:oreblock:1
- mekanism:oreblock:2
- thaumcraft:ore_quartz
- nuclearcraft:ore:0
- nuclearcraft:ore:1
- nuclearcraft:ore:2
- nuclearcraft:ore:4
- ic2:resource:1
- ic2:resource:2
- ic2:resource:3
- immersiveengineering:ore:0
- immersiveengineering:ore:1
- immersiveengineering:ore:2
- immersiveengineering:ore:3
- immersiveengineering:ore:4
- immersiveengineering:ore:5
- libvulpes:ore0:4
- libvulpes:ore0:5
- libvulpes:ore0:9
- libvulpes:ore0:10
- forestry:resources:1
- forestry:resources:2
- embers:ore_aluminum
- embers:ore_copper
- embers:ore_lead
- embers:ore_nickel
- embers:ore_quartz
- embers:ore_silver
- embers:ore_tin
- thermalfoundation:ore_fluid:5
- projectred-exploration:ore:0
- projectred-exploration:ore:1
- projectred-exploration:ore:2
- projectred-exploration:ore:3
- projectred-exploration:ore:4
- projectred-exploration:ore:5
- crossroads:ore_tin
- crossroads:ore_copper
- crossroads:ore_native_copper
- crossroads:ore_ruby
Ores that shouldn't count as ores:
- aroma1997sdimension:miningore:1
- astralsorcery:blockcustomore:1
- bigreactors:orebenitoite
- bigreactors:oreanglesite