This repository provides a collection of ready to use binary analysis tools, as well as a framework and a conventional repository structure for developing new tools. Think of it as BAP on Rails. This repository should be seen as a collaboration platform encouraging everyone to fork it, implement an analysis, and share it back with the community. PRs are very welcomed and accepted with no questions asked.
- Installation - how to install all or some tools
- Usage - how to run tools and analyze results
- Developing - how to develop a new tool
- Contributing - how to contribute a new tool
- Tools
- checks from the Joint Strike Fighter coding standards
- av-rule-3 - all functions have a cyclomatic complexity less than 20
- av-rule-17 -
is not used as an error indicator - av-rule-19 -
et all functions are not be used - av-rule-20 -
are not be used - av-rule-21 - signal handling facilities of
are not be used - av-rule-22 - The input/output library
shall not be used - av-rule-23 -
, andatol
are not be used - av-rule-24 -
are not be used - av-rule-25 - the
interface is not used - av-rule-174 - potential null pointer dereferencings
- av-rule-189 -
statements are not used
- checks from the JPL Institutional Coding Standard
- jpl-rule-4 - no recursive functions
- jpl-rule-11 -
statements are not used - jpl-rule-14 - return values of all non-void functions are used
- forbidden-symbols - detects all forbidden symbols from the av-rule-{17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25}
- defective-symbols - detects all defective symbols from the av-rule-{3,189} and jpl-rule-4
- untrusted-argument - checks that certain functions never use untrusted data
- must-check-value - detects an unchecked return value of certain functions
- use-after-free - detects a usage of a pointer that was freed before
- double-free - detects a pointer that is freed twice
- restrictness-check - detects an incorrect invocation of a function with strictness requirement
- warn-unused - detects an unused value returned by a function with warn-unused attribute
- primus-checks - an all-in-one analysis that uses Primus to identify the following CWE:
- CWE-122 (Buffer Overwrite)
- CWE-125 (Buffer Overread)
- CWE-416 (Use after free)
- CWE-415 (Double free)
- CWE-798 (Use of Hard-coded Credentials)
- CWE-259 (Use of Hard-coded Password)
- CWE-822 (Untrusted Pointer Dereference)
- CWE-291 (Relience on IP Address for Authentication)
- CWE-170 (Improper Null Termination)
- CWE-138 (Improper Neutralization)
- CWE-74 (Command Injection)
- CWE-476 (NULL pointer dereference)
- CWE-690 (Unchecked Return Value to NULL Pointer Dereference)
- CWE-252 (Unchecked Return Value)
- checks from the Joint Strike Fighter coding standards
You need to install the toolkit before using it. You can either use docker and install it directly on your host machine.
The tools in bap-toolkit are packed as BAP recipes, therefore to run a tool just pass its name to the --recipe
option, e.g.,
bap ./exe --recipe=av-rule-3
To get a detailed description of a recipe, use the --show-recipe
option, e.g.,
bap --show-recipe=av-rule-3
You can also list all available using the --list-recipes
bap --list-recipes
You don't need to install bap or OCaml to use and develop bap-toolkit if you have deocker installed on your machine.
- Clone this repository and enter the directory:
git clone
cd bap-toolkit
- Build the image (do not miss the dot at the end of the command)
docker build -t bap-toolkit .
- Now we have the
container that we can use to run any tool. Let's chekc that it works, the default command is to run thedefective-symbol
tool on/usr/bin/arch
, which should produce one FAIL and two PASSes, e.g.,
$ docker run bap-toolkit
Check Status
non structural cfg FAIL
recursive function OK
complex function OK
If you want to run a tool on your binary, the easiest option is to mount the current working directory (that contains your binary) to the /bap-toolkit
folder, which is the working directory of the container. Let's assume that your binary is called tests
and that you want to run the spectre
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/bap-toolkit bap-toolkit bap test --recipe=spectre
After analysis finishes, you will then find the incindents
file in your host current folder, in which you can find all reported spectre vulnerabilities, e.g.,
$ grep spectre-path incidents
(spectre-path (1:63u#3439 (7 (S3 (cond 4005c8) (load 4005cf) (last 4005de)))))
You can modify any existing file (including *.ml
files) in the bap-toolkit folder or develop an new tool and then just rebuild the image with,
docker build -t bap-toolkit .
Rinse and repeat!
To build the toolkit you need to activate opam,
eval $(opam env)
Next, to install all tools in the repository to the default share folder just do
make install
To install a specific tool, run the same commands but pass the tool name to them, e.g.,
make TARGET=primus-checks
make install TARGET=primus-checks
The results of the checks from this repository applied to bap-artifacts can be seen here
To create a new tool clone this repository,
Then create a new folder inside the newly cloned bap-toolkit
cd bap-toolkit
mkdir my-first-tool
cd my-first-tool
All files in this folder will form the body of your tool. They may contain input
files, scripts for pre and post processing, BAP plugins and libraries, etc. The only
required file is the recipe.scm
file which is the entry point of your tool. This
file contains a list of options which are passed to bap
, for example, to create a
tool that just dumps a file in multiple formats, create a recipe.scm
file with the
following contents
(option dump asm:out.asm)
(option dump bir:out.bir)
After the tool is built and installed, you can run it with
bap ./test-file --recipe=my-first-tool
And this would essentially the same as running bap with the following command line arguments
bap ./test-file --dump=asm:out.asm --dump=bir:out.bir
Not a big deal so far, but typical bap invocation may contain lots of command line option. You may also need to pass files, header files, BAP Lisp scripts, etc. This is where the recipe system shines. In general, the recipe specification contains a list of recipe items in an arbitrary order. Each item is either a command line option, a parameter, or a reference to another recipe. All items share the same syntax - they are flat s-expressions, i.e., a whitespace separated list of strings enclosed in parentheses. The first string in the list denotes the type of the item, e.g.,
(option run-entry-points malloc calloc free)
The option
command requires one mandatory parameter, the option name,
and an arbitrary number of arguments that will be passed to the
corresponding command line option. If there are more than one argument
then they will be concatenated with the comman symbol, e.g.,
(option opt a b c d)
will be translated to
Option arguments may contain substitution symbols. A subsitution
symbol starts with the dollar sign, that is followed by a named
(optionally delimited with curly braces, to disambiguate it from the
rest of the argument). There is one built in parameter prefix
that is substituted with the path to the recipe top folder.
The parameter
command introduces a parameter to the recipe, i.e., a
variable ingredient that could be changed when the recipe is used. The
command has 3 arguments, all required. The first argument is
the parameter name, the second is the default value, that is used if
the parameter wasn't set, and the last argument is the parameter
description. The substitution symbol will be replaced with the default
value of a parameter, if a value of the parameter wasn't passed through
the command line. Example,
(parameter depth 128 "maximum depth of analysis")
(option analysis-depth $depth)
If the parameter is not set through the command line, then it will be
substituted with 128
otherwise it will receive whatever value a user
has passed.
Finally, the extend
command is like the #include
statement in the C
preprocessor as it includes all the ingredients from another
recipe. (Make sure that you're not introducing loops!). The command
has one mandatory argument, the name of the recipe to include.
The grammar is specified below, but for the details and up-to-date information,
please refer to bap recipe --help
recipe ::= {<recipe-item>}
recipe-item ::= <option> | <parameter> | <extend> | <command>
option ::= (option <atom> {<atom>})
parameter ::= (parameter <atom> <atom> <atom>)
extend ::= (extend <atom>)
command ::= (command <atom>)