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Convert GWAS sumstat files into a common format with a common reference for positions, rsids and effect alleles.

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Convert GWAS sumstat files into a common format with a common reference for positions, rsids and effect alleles



The cleansumstats pipeline takes a typical genomic sumstat file as input(normally the output from a GWAS), together with specifiers for chr, pos and available stats.

Quick Start

To run a quick test using provided example and test data. Use either singularity or docker depending on what is available on your system. Note that Singularity has been renamed Apptainer.

# Make sure git and either singularity or docker are installed
git --version
singularity --version
docker --version

# clone and enter the cleansumstats github project
git clone
cd cleansumstats


using singularity (use path to image)

## pull singularity image for AMD64/x86_64 systems (most common)
mkdir -p sif
singularity pull sif/ibp-cleansumstats-base_version-1.3.0.sif docker://biopsyk/ibp-cleansumstats:1.3.0-amd64

# clean a sumstat using shrinked example data for dbsnp and 1kgp (-e flag)
./ \
  -j sif/ibp-cleansumstats-base_version-1.3.0.sif \
  -i tests/example_data/sumstat_1/sumstat_1_raw_meta.txt \
  -o out_example \
  -e 1


using docker image (use the tag: dockerhub_biopsyk)

## pull docker image for AMD64/x86_64 systems (most common)
docker pull biopsyk/ibp-cleansumstats:1.3.0-amd64

## using docker (using flag -j)
./ \
  -j dockerhub_biopsyk \
  -i tests/example_data/sumstat_1/sumstat_1_raw_meta.txt \
  -o out_example \
  -e 1

Note: For ARM64 systems (e.g., Apple Silicon Macs), append -arm64 to the version tag instead of -amd64. For example: 1.3.0-arm64.

Add full size reference data

In the cleaning all positions are compared to a reference to confirm or add missing annotation.

dbsnp reference

The preparation of the dbsnp reference only has to be done once, and can be reused for all sumstats that needs cleaning.

# i. Download the dbsnp reference and supplemental files: size 25GB 
mkdir -p dbsnp
wget -P dbsnp
wget -P dbsnp
wget -P dbsnp
wget -P dbsnp

# ii. If you are on a HPC Start your interactive session (below SLURM settings took about 5h to run)
srun --mem=400g --ntasks 1 --cpus-per-task 60 --time=10:00:00 --account ibp_pipeline_cleansumstats --pty /bin/bash
./ \
  prepare-dbsnp \
  -i dbsnp/GCF_000001405.40.gz \
  -o out_dbsnp

1000 genomes project reference

# i. Download
mkdir -p 1kgp
wget -P 1kgp
wget -P 1kgp

# ii. If you are on a HPC Start your interactive session (below SLURM settings took about 5min to run)
srun --mem=80g --ntasks 1 --cpus-per-task 5 --time=1:00:00 --account ibp_pipeline_cleansumstats --pty /bin/bash
./ \
  prepare-1kgp \
  -i 1kgp/1000GENOMES-phase_3.vcf.gz \
  -d out_dbsnp \
  -o out_1kgp_test

Prepare meta data files

After the reference data (dbsnp and 1000 genomes) has been created it is time to prepare the input for the actual cleaning. This file is called the meta file, and contains paths to other important files, such as the actual sumstats, README, article pdf, etc,. for which all need to be in the same folder as their corresponding metafile. This file has to be filled in manually, see tests/example_data/sumstat_1/sumstat_1_raw_meta.txt for an example of how it looks like.

You can also use this webinterface to generate a metadatafile. Again, remember that all files referred to by the metadatafile have to be in the same directory as the metafile when you run cleansumstats. Check tests/example_data and sumstats 1-5 for an example of how you can structure your input folders.

There is no support for relative links in the metadata file, which means all files have to be in the same folder. However, you can provide paths to associated files -p path/to/folder1,path/to/folder2

Run a fully operational cleaning pipeline

This will take longer time compared to the quick-start run as we now use the full >600 million rows dbsnp reference to map our variants to.

When you have prepared your meta data files, then replace -i example data with your own data.

# i. If you are on a HPC Start your interactive session (below SLURM settings took about 10min to run)
srun --mem=40g --ntasks 1 --cpus-per-task 6 --time=1:00:00 --account ibp_pipeline_cleansumstats --pty /bin/bash
./ \
  -i tests/example_data/sumstat_1/sumstat_1_raw_meta.txt \
  -d out_dbsnp \
  -k out_1kgp \
  -o out_clean

# For additional flags, see:
./ -h

More documentation


cleansumstats was originally written by Jesper R. Gådin