A toolbox for GWAS summary statistics files.
To download and install sumstat-tools you have to clone the latest version from github.
# Step 1: place yourself in the folder you want to install sumstat-tools then git clone
git clone git@github.com:BioPsyk/sumstat-tools.git
# Step 2: Enter directory
cd sumstat-tools
# Step 3a: Execute install to set sumstat-tools in path
# Step 4: Source .bashrc to finalize installation
source ${HOME}/.bashrc
# Step 5: Verify that sstools starts
# Step 6: Check the R installation and all required packages
# To be done
NOTE: After the path has been set, the cloned directory cannot be moved without running ./install again from the new path
# Run unit tests (run from project root)
sumstat-tools has all configuration files in the config