If for whatever reason you find something wrong, incorrect, invaild, or no-longer applies to the current version. Please make a Issue or a PR Thank you.
P.S. I also did this, so I can learn on my off time. 10,000 Hours to Master a Skill, it all starts with the first hour.
Please preform these Actions on a WSL Ubuntu
or Linux
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f <Replace with your Key Name> -P ""
- This will Create a SSH Key that can be used to Access the EC2 Instance.
chmod 400 <Replace with your Key Name>*
- This will set the proper permissions so you can use them.
- Open PuttyGen at this time, at the Top Click Conversions -> Import Key
- Select the Key that you Just Generated, the one that does not end with .pub
- Click Save out Public/Private Key seperate which will generate your *.ppk file to load into Pagent
- Open Pagent
- Double click on the
<Replace with your Key Name>.ppk
file which will load it into Pagent -
- This allows Putty to automatically Access it for loggin in.
Edit the Settings Located in terraform.tfvars
if you need to have production.tfvars
or develop.tfvars
please use Command style (B)
- env = "demonstration"
- This is what Envirnoment that it resides in. Production? Development? Staging? Dinosaur?
- project = "ec2_demo_example"
- This is the name of the Project, keep it locase with no spaces and no special symbols besides
makes it easier to query in CLI/Terraform.
- This is the name of the Project, keep it locase with no spaces and no special symbols besides
- instance_type = "t2.micro"
- This is the side of the Instance, A.K.A. How much do you want to spend?
- region = "us-west-1"
- Region your EC2 Resides in. I'm West Coast so like.. Yeah.
- key_file = "filename"
- This is the filename of the Key.pub you generated in Setup. This can be
- This is the filename of the Key.pub you generated in Setup. This can be
- Command Style (A) with
terraform init
terraform plan -out <Name for your Plan>
terraform apply "<Name for your Plan>"
- Command Style (B) with a Custom
File. -
terraform init
terraform plan -out <Name for your Plan> -var-file <Name of Config>.tfvars
terraform apply "<Name for your Plan>"
- To Destroy it all type: ``
- Open Putty
- Put your
that is listed, make sure port is 22 - Go to Connection -> Data and fill-in the
Auto-login username
Field withubuntu
- Go to Connection put
inside of theSeconds between keepalives
- Check the
Enable TCP keepalives
Box - Go to Session
- Type in a name for this EC2 Session in the
Saved Sessions
Box - Click Save
- Double Click on the Name you just typed. And Enjoy your Connection
- If it asks you to accept a SSL Cert, click yes.
- Your Welcome <3
- Name of the Key file you will be generating ssh_keygen.
- Name of the Plan you will be generating with Terraform.
Made this due to being Lazy..... Sorry.... Or wait, your welcome I mean ;)
make init
make plan
make apply
make destroy
make genkey
make graph
Created by: Randolph Bioblaze Payne