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Releases: BitBotFactory/MikaLendingBot

Release 0.3

18 Apr 06:10
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Release 0.3 Pre-release

If you are reading this while deciding whether to download a release or just

Download from the main repository page.

Releases lag behind the newest features, which we test thoroughly to be sure are bug-free and are always improvements. The configuration is always backwards compatible so upgrading each commit is guaranteed to never break your bot.

If you still feel like downloading this, take solace in the knowledge that it still works excellent (as long as Poloniex API hasn't changed, which is extremely unlikely.)

All support is offered for the current version though. So if you DO happen to experience a bug with this release, please upgrade versions before making an issue.

This is also the LAST release to support running the bot entirely through arguments.


Version 0.1

14 Oct 02:12
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First stable release.

  • new spread algo implemented: the min and max amount based on the lendable bitcoin in your wallet + bitcoin lended out, instead of lendable balance only model.
  • fixed rounding issue: using decimal instead of float.