Crypto secp256k1 + wasm. Implemented: bip32, bip39, bip44, bip49, bip84, bip141. NIST random generation tests on the fly for entropy. Shamir's secret sharing for mnemonic.
npm install jsbgl.js
npm run build:wasm:prebuild
npm run build:wasm
npm run build
npm run build:web
<script src="jsbgl.web.min.js"></script>
<script> ...
// inside async function
var jsbgl = await jsbgl.asyncInit();
... </script>
Documentation is available at
> let a= new Address()
> a.address
> a.privateKey.wif
> let a = new Address('L1LAHLFBWcW2E1xRsUooVL9ajxJXtsAUjJJ4GuPTgHKAKNhy6fsD')
> a.address
> createPrivateKey()
> createPrivateKey(compressed=False)
> let w = new Wallet({path_type:'BIP84'})
> w.mnemonic
'spell scrap legend skin witness inherit gadget resource control replace nothing suspect picnic open letter regret great video voice media bridge walnut parade write'
> w.accountXPublicKey
> let w = new Wallet({from:'spell scrap legend skin witness inherit gadget resource control replace nothing suspect picnic open letter regret great video voice media bridge walnut parade write'},path_type='BIP84')
> w.Wallet.accountXPublicKey
> w.getAddress(0).address
> w.getAddress(0).privateKey
> w.getAddress(0).publicKey
In order to make a clone of the GitHub repo: open the link and press the “Fork” button on the upper-right menu of the web page.
Workflow is pretty straightforward:
- Clone the GitHub
- Make a change
- Make sure all tests passed
- Add a record into file into change.log.
- Commit changes to own jsbgl clone
- Make pull request from github page for your clone against master branch