A Radiant floor heating project for my garage. I installed radiant floor heat in the garage years ago. I am createing the control system to monitor the system and eventially take control of it.
- Raspberry pi Zero W
- 6 - DS18b20 one-wire temperature sensor water proof - Amazon
- 2 - ACS758LCB 50A Range Linear Current Sensor module - Amazon
- 2 - 3V 1 channel relay module - Amazon
- 1 - Adafruit Pro Bonnet pcb
- 1 - mcp3008 8 ch, 10bit ADC w/ SPI interface - Adafruit 856
- 1 - 2x8 DIP IC chip socket
- 4 - 3x4 right angle male header - Adafruit 816
- 1 - OLED display 128x64 - Adafruit 3527
- outside air (oa)
- inside air (ia)
- hot water (hw)
- return 1 (r1)
- return 2 (r2)
- mix valve (mx)
- Aquastat 1 (A1)
- Aquastat 2 (A2)
- water pump
- data acquisition and fail safe failure mode: gas water water heater standing pilot goes out, system still tries to heat floor. This stage will log 6 temperatures and system state changes.
- system control This stage will remove the auastats and replace them with relays
| | |_loop2__aquastat2__valve2_|
- existing
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- remove aquastats
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|_48V-trans__ |
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Valve(1,2) use a material that expands when heated with an electric element, which pushes a valve open. When the valve opens (it is not fast) it make a connection energizing the pump. The Aquastats have a 5°C temp range(min/max). It energizes the valve at min, and closes the valve at max. The dials on the Aqustat do not have numbers and are course adjustments. I am going to replace the aqustats with temp sensor and relays, Relays will open the valves and valves will energize the pump. Valves and pump replay are 48VAC, pump is 120VAC,