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Core components for experiments with Pytorch


Add this package to a projects requirements

torch_lab @ git+ssh://

A project should be laid out as

├── data         # Git-ignored dir for links and dirs for raw/processed data and artifacts
└── project_name
    ├── ...
    ├── preprocess
    │   ├──
    │   └──     # Script for builing and uploading datasets to ClearML
    └── experiments
        └── 00_experiment_name       # Numbered and titled experiment stem
            ├──          # Configuration written as functions of hparams dictionaries
            ├──       # Hyperparmeter names appended to experiment name in clearml
            └──   # Hyperparameters defined as a JSON-like python dictionary

Experiment layout

Each experiment directory has at least 2 key files: a hyperparameters script and a config script (

  • The hyperparameters script defines the configuration of the experiment in a single python dictionary named hparams,
  • The hparams dictionary is used in the config script to configure the model and dataset objects.

Using torch_lab, a experiment is launched by selecting the specific hyperparameters script, which will then apply the hyperparameters to the config in the experiment directory.

An annotated example is provided in this repo under ./src/example_project.

Hyperparameters script

The hparams dictionary defined in the hyperparameters can be used to control aspects of the clearml.Task and pytorch_lightning.Trainer, and also loading of checkpoints from previous experiments with the following keys:

hparams = {
    "task": {                         # Kwargs for `clearml.Task.init(..)`
        "project_name": "test",       # E.g. project name
    "checkpoint": {                   # (Optional) Options For using checkpoint
        "checkpoint_task_id": None,   # ClearML ID for previous task, by default set to None
        # "checkpoint_name": "last",  # Name of Checkpoint to load, by default set to "last"
        # "weights_only": False,      # Whether to only load the state dict, by default False
    "trainer": {         # (Optional) Inputs for pytorch lightning Trainer
        "init": {},      # Kwargs for pl.Trainer(..)
        "fit": {},       # Kwargs for
        "predict": {},   # Kwargs for pl.Trainer.predict(..)
    "config": {   # Keys and value used in config

As demonstrated in ./src/example_project/experiments/00_mnist_demo/, multiple hyperparameters can be defined for a single experiment config. As demonstrated here, hyperparameters can also be layered using torch_lab.utils.import_script_as_module.

Config script

For training, the script must define a function called train_config which accepts a single arg and returns a dictionary with the following keys:

def train_config(config):
    return dict(
        module=...,             # torch_lab.modules.TrainLabModule
        train_dataloaders=...,  #
        val_dataloaders=...,    #
        callbacks=[...],        # List of pytorch_lightning.Callback objects (optional)

The core of this function should use the values of hparams to define and intiliase datasets and dataloaders, and the model to be trained using python code defined within and/or importing custom code from project modules. See the src/example_project for a worked example.

The torch_lab.module.TrainLabModule provides a scaffold for the torch.nn.Module object, the loss function, torchmetrics.Metrics, the optimizer and the and scheduler.

from torch import nn, optim

module = TrainLabModule(
    model=MyTorchModule(),                 # Subclass of torch.nn.Module
    loss_function=nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(),  # Callable that maps batches (y_pred, y) -> float
    metrics={"my_metric": MyMetric(...)},  # Subclass of nn.Module with methods update(y_pred, y), compute()
    optimizer_config={                     # Configuration of optimizer (and optional scheduler)
        "optimizer": optim.Adam,
        "optimizer_kwargs": dict(lr=...),
        "scheduler": optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR,
        "scheduler_kwargs": dict(milestones=..., gamma=...),
        "monitor": ...,

For inference, the script must define a function called infer_config which accepts at least one arg and returns a dictionary with the following keys:

def infer_config(config, ...) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return dict(
        module=...,               # torch_lab.modules.LabModule
        predict_dataloaders=...,  #
        callbacks=[...],          # List of pytorch_lighting.Callback objects (optional)

The core of this function should use the values of hparams and extra args to define and initialize datasets and dataloaders, and the model to be trained using python code defined within and/or importing custom code from project modules. See the src/example_project for a worked example.

The variable args can be accessed via the infer CLI, any args after the hparams_path will be passed into infer_config as strings.

Note that a pytorch_lightning.Callback object must be defined to process and write predictions. No results are returned by default.


This repo enforces a particular structure on torch datasets:

  • The output of __getitem__ is always a tuple
    • First element is an array-like object, corresponding to a sample of data
    • Seconds element is a dictionary with array-like values, corresponding to metadata
      • Labels are stored under key "y"
      • Values must be torch collate-friendly (either int, float, str, or an array)

The provided wrapper classes torch_lab.modules.LabeModule and torch_lab.module.TrainLabModule effortlessly read datasets that conform to this structure. To implement custom datasets, this repo provides two base classes for implementing datasets and transforms:

  • torch_lab.transforms.BaseTransform
  • torch_lab.datasets.BaseDataset


Transforms are implemented in torch_lab.datasets.BaseDataset as mappings which inherit from torch.nn.Module which map a tuple of data array and metadata dictionary (x, md) to another tuple of data array and metadata dictionary (x_hat, md_hat). Transforms are applied per sample, before returning as sample from a dataset via __getitem__.

from torch_lab.transforms import BaseTransform

class MyTransform(BaseTransform):
    def __init__(self, ...):

    def compute(self, x, md):
        return x_hat, md_hat

Mapping tuples allows for full access for all sample information during a transformation. However, transforms that manipulate only data or only metadata can inherit from torch_lab.transforms.BaseDataTransform or torch_lab.transforms.BaseMetdataTransform instead.

from torch_lab.transforms import BaseDataTransform, BaseMetadataTransform

class MyDataTransform(BaseDataTransform):
    def __init__(self, ...):

    def compute(self, x):
        return x_hat

class MyMetadataTransform(BaseMetadataTransform):
    def __init__(self, ...):

    def compute(self, md):
        return md_hat


Custom datasets should inherit from torch_lab.datasets.BaseDataset:

from torch_lab.datasets import BaseDataset

class MyDataset(BaseDataset):
    def __init__(self, transform, ...):
        """Initialise dataset class"""

    def __len__(self):
        """Return length of dataset"""
        return ...

    def get_additional_metadata(self, i):
        """(Optional) Return extra metadata attribute for metadata corresponding to index `i`."""
        return { ... }

    def get_raw_label(self, metadata):
        """(Optional) Return single label of data corresponding to metadata (contains index `i` and
        other custom keys implemented in `get_additional_metadata`). If non-`None` result is returned,
        label is added to metadata under key `y`. Return `None` to skip adding label.
        return ...

    def get_raw_data(self, metadata):
        """Return single sample of data corresponding to metadata (contains index `i` and
        other custom keys implemented in `get_additional_metadata`).
        return ...

Transforms are assigned via the __init__ call of the BaseDataset class, and are computed during the call to __getitem__.

Multiple transform objects can be chained/composed together using the torch_lab.transform.TransfromCompose class,

from torch_lab.transform import TransfromCompose
from my_project.transforms import *

transform = TransformCompose(

This wrapper class can be sliced in order to debug parts of the transform pipeline, transform[:2] will return a new TransformCompose object from (Transform0(), Transform1()).

Transforms can also be applied to iterables by with the wrapper class torch_lab.transforms.TransformIterable. See the documentation for further details.

Endpoint usage

Once added to your project dependencies, install your virtual environment and launch tasks using the provided endpoints.

To launch a training job (after setting up ClearML):

$ train <path/to/> [--dev-run <float or int>] [--offline] [--debug]

To launch an inference job:

$ infer <path/to/> [<extra args specified in config>]


A simple git clone will suffice

$ git clone

Pull requests and issues are welcome!


Core components for experiments with Pytorch







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