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Releases: Blazor-Diagrams/Blazor.Diagrams


24 Feb 11:52
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.0.1...3.0.2


27 Oct 11:43
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  • Route property to BaseLinkModel to hold the result of the executed router


  • Constraints not checked when using RemoveControl (thanks to @K0369)
  • NRE Exception on the landing page demo when dragging a new link and not linking it to something (thanks to @K0369)
  • LinkVertexWidgetTests failing on cultures that are not using a dot as decimal separator (thanks to @K0369)
  • NRE exception in the Diagram Demo project (thanks to @Suraj0500)


14 Aug 14:46
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Finally, the new documentation website is here!
Please don't hesitate to create issues for any problems or improvements.
PS: I suck at design.


  • AddLabel method to links to easily create LinkLabelModel
  • AddVertex method to links to easily create LinkVertexModel
  • ControlledSize property to nodes. If true, the node will not be registered in the ResizeObserver (saves a JS call).
  • autoSize argument to SvgGroupModel constructor


  • Renamed Point.Substract to Subtract (duh)
  • Avoid rendering link selection helper on dragged link


  • SmoothPathGenerator not working with LinkAnchor
  • Mouse overlapping dragged link
  • Useless Console Logs from GroupModel are now removed
  • JS exception in (un)oberve methods when the element doesn't exist anymore

Check out the other beta version for a complete CHANGELOG !

3.0.0 beta 7

10 May 13:34
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3.0.0 beta 7 Pre-release

Fix a dumb issue by me regarding ordering

3.0.0 beta 6

10 May 13:17
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3.0.0 beta 6 Pre-release

All NuGet packages have been updated.


  • Style parameter to PortRenderer
  • TargetAttached to links, which triggers when a dragged link attaches to a target
    • If port snapping is enabled, it will trigger only once when you let go of the mouse
  • SuspendSorting to Diagram in order to suspend sorting models in each OrderChanged
    • If you know what you're doing, you could save some processing and avoid sorting everytime
  • RefreshOrders to be called after unsuspending sorting in order to sort the models again and refresh the diagram


  • BaseLayer.Add now returns the specific type given to it in argument
  • [BREAKING] CSS classes are now prefixed with diagram- to avoid clashes with other libraries
    • diagram-group, diagram-node, diagram-link, diagram-port, diagram-link-label, diagram-link-vertex, diagram-control


  • Portless links in children not refreshing when moving the parent group
  • Link's GetBounds not returning a valid box
  • Port snapping choosing the first port in radius rather than the closest one
  • Remove Console.WriteLine from KeyboardShortcutsBehavior
  • Diagram overwriting Order when it's not zero (zero being the default int value, which we now consider as not set)

3.0.0 beta 5

24 Nov 09:18
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3.0.0 beta 5 Pre-release


  • AdditionalSvg option to DiagramCanvas in order to render any extra SVG content you want
  • AdditionalHtml option to DiagramCanvas in order to render any extra HTML content you want
  • DistanceTo overload method to Point that takes x and y
  • MoveAlongLine method to Point
  • FullPath to PathGeneratorResult to represent the full path without cuts
  • Fallback router to Orthogonal router
  • Margin options to OrthogonalRouter
  • radius option to StraightPathGenerator in order to generate rounded bends
  • Support for custom vertices
  • AutoSize option to groups to control whether moving children resizes the group


  • All routers are now classes instead of functions, they inherit from the new abstract class Router
  • All path generators are now classes instead of functions, they inherit from the new abstract class PathGenerator
  • Optimize Orthogonal router by using custom A* (x5 improvement)


  • Router delegate
  • PathGenerator delegate

3.0.0 beta 4

16 Oct 14:58
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3.0.0 beta 4 Pre-release


  • Initial version of Ordering!
    • Nodes, groups and links can now be ordered using the new Order property or SendToFront/Back methods
    • Diagram.OrderedSelectables returns the ordered selectables/models
    • DiagramCanvas now uses this new property to render everything
  • GridSnapToCenter option in order to snap nodes from their center instead of their top/left position (thanks to @Jeremy Vance)
  • More unit tests


  • Groups is not a list of groups anymore, but a layer instead (just like Nodes and Links)


  • Deleting a group doesn't delete links attached to it
  • Deleting a group inside of a group doesn't refresh the parent group
  • Links not refreshing when a group's dimensions are updated directly (e.g. deleting a child)
  • Layers causing more refreshes than intended


  • All group-related methods and events from Diagram, please use the new layer from now on


19 Sep 18:34
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3.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release


  • Support for LinkFactory to return null in order to not create an ongoing link
  • Support for free links (no source/target required)
  • PositionAnchor which reprensents a simple plain position (mutable)
  • ArrowHeadControl to control a link's Source/Target on the fly
  • attached css class to attached links


  • Replace OngoingPosition with the new PositionAnchor
    • BaseLinkModel.Target will never be null anymore. An ongoing link will have a position anchor as the target
  • Links.Factory signature now takes the diagram, source (model) and the target anchor
  • Move DynamicAnchor back to Anchors namespace and seal all Anchor classes


  • Links attached to links not refreshing when the others are
  • LinkPathPositionProvider not working with maxlength ratios
  • Deleting a link not deleting the links attached to it


  • PositionProvider argument from ExecutableControl for more freedom
  • Id and Refresh from ILinkable
  • Unused Offset from Anchor and make Model nullable

3.0.0 beta 2

11 Sep 21:58
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3.0.0 beta 2 Pre-release


  • Moved event to Movables
  • Visible property and VisbilityChanged event to models
  • Options.Virtualization (of type [Diagram]VirtualizationOptions) for virtualization options
  • PointerEnter/Leave events for groups as well
  • Experimental Link to Link (using LinkAnchor)


  • Rename RegisterModelComponent to RegisterComponent
  • Rename GetComponentForModel to GetComponent
  • Virtualization is now handled by a behavior instead of NodeRender
    • This means that it works for almost all models (nodes, groups and links)
  • Render link labels without foreignObject in widget nor MarkupString (Thank you .NET 6)
  • Custom link labels only need to contain relevant content, they don't need to handle positioning anymore


  • EnableVirtualization option (see added alternative)

3.0.0 beta 1

04 Sep 11:53
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3.0.0 beta 1 Pre-release

.NET 6!

A lot of things changed in this version, a lot of breaking changes were introduced but I believe it was necessary.
Many changes were required to make everything clearer, customizable and cleaner (code wise).
I'm aiming to completely decouple the Core library from the UI, because I'm thinking of giving MAUI Diagrams a try very soon!


  • BlazorDiagram class (inherits Diagram) to the blazor package to replace the old Core one
  • BlazorDiagramOptions that inherit from the other diagram options to add Blazor (UI) specific options
  • Blazor.Diagrams.Models.SvgNodeModel class to represent a node that needs to be rendered in the SVG layer
  • GetBehavior<T> method to Diagram in order to retrieve a registered behavior
  • KeyboardShortcutsBehavior class which handles keyboard shortcuts/actions:
    • SetShortcut: sets an action (Func<Diagrambase, ValueTask>) to be executed whenever the specified combination is pressed
    • RemoveShortcut: removes a defined action (if it exists)
  • KeyboardShortcutsDefaults containing the default shortcuts that were deleted (DeleteSelection and Grouping)
  • Anchors functionality:
    • An Anchor determines where on an element the link will connect
    • Instead of links requiring the source and target to be either both nodes or both ports, there is now only one Source and Target of type Anchor
    • This lets the link not worry about the details of from/to where its going, as long as the anchor provides it with its position when asked for
    • Current implementations:
      • SinglePortAnchor: Specifies that the connection point is a specific port (supports shape & alignment)
      • ShapeIntersectionAnchor: Specifies that the connection point is the intersection of a line with the node's shape
      • DynamicAnchor: Specifies that the connection point is one of the given positions (closest)
  • Virtual IShape GetShape() method on nodes (default Rectangle) and ports (default Circle)
  • Options.LinksLayerOrder to indicate the order of the links layer (svg for blazor)
  • Options.NodesLayerOrder to indicate the order of the nodes layer (html for blazor)
  • Support for SVG groups that also represent children as a hierarchy (SvgGroupModel)
  • Node renderer will now append, in addition to node locked, the classes selected grouped
  • IHasBounds and IHasShape interfaces to both nodes and ports
  • IPositionProvider to encapsulate how certain positions are calculated given a model
    • They are used for dynamic anchors and controls for now
    • BoundsBasedPositionProvider returns the position based on the bounds of the model (e.g. (0.5, 0.5) would be the center)
    • ShapeAnglePositionProvider returns the position as the point at the angle of the shape
    • LinkPathPositionProvider returns the position based on the link's path (getPointAtLength)
  • Links have a reference to Diagram now
  • PointerEnter and PointerLeave events for nodes and links for now
  • GeneratedPathResult and Paths to BaseLinkModel to always have access to the actual paths
  • Controls feature (beta):
    • They are things that can show up on top of nodes/links and can even be clicked to be executed
    • Their UI is also picked up from the registered components
    • Control designates a control that has a position and will be rendered if visible
    • ExecutableControl designates a control that has a position and will be executed when pressed (PointerDown event)
    • Default controls for now are:
      • BoundaryControl shows the model's boundary
      • RemoveControl shows a button that when clicked, removes the model from the diagram
      • DragNewLink shows a button that when clicked, starts a new link dragging from that node
  • GridWidget a background grid that moves with the diagram instead of being fixed like in the Snap to grid example
  • More unit tests


  • Core package changes:
    • Web dependency was removed from the Core package
      • Diagram is now abstract
      • These changes were done to decouple the core from the rendering, in the future we might have a MAUI renderer
  • Diagram.GetComponentForModel now accepts a checkSubclasses argument (default true)
  • Constraints now must return a ValueTask<bool> instead of a simple bool
  • Renamed AllLinks to PortLinks for more clarity on which links, since Links contains the others
  • Dragging links from ports will now follow the mouse at the same pace minus 5 pixels so that it doesn't go on top of the link it self or other ports
  • How groups are rendered
    • GroupRenderer will take care of rendering the group with the appropriate style and classes
    • Only GroupNodes is required, GroupLinks was deleted because all links are shown in the svg layer (with appropriate order)
  • Diagram.AddGroup will now return the added group
  • All Mouse events have been converted to Pointer events
  • PathGenerator now return SvgPath instead of just strings
  • NavigatorWidget was rewritten to be faster, lighter, WORKING and customizable
    • It now can also take the shape of the nodes into account (rect and ellipse for now)


  • Virtualization throwing a JSException (#155)
  • Ports not rendering correctly because of the missing @key (#220)
  • Link not refreshing when a new vertex is created, which was showing out of link


  • DefaultNodeComponent and DefaultLinkComponent options (see GetComponentForModel changes)
  • RenderLayer from the Core package and all its usage
  • DeleteSelectionBehavior since there is a new keyboard shortcuts system
  • GroupingBehavior since there is a new keyboard shortcuts system
  • BaseLinkModelExtensions since it was Obselete
  • Unnecessary port refreshes when dragging a link ends or when link snapping
  • ShapeDefiner delegate and constructor arguments on nodes since delegates can't be serialized
  • TouchX events