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@DoDoENT DoDoENT released this 17 May 19:33
· 505 commits to master since this release
  • introduced ability to create minimum-size AAR
    • a separate static library distribution now exists which contains a script that you can configure with features you need and it creates a AAR file which only contains features you need - this includes minimum-size native binary and only required assets. The rest (resources and java classes) can be thrown-away by ProGuard.
  • LibBlinkID is now fully ProGuard-compatible, i.e. you no longer need to exclude com.microblink.** classes in your ProGuard configuration
  • removed support for Android 2.3 and Android 4.0 - minimum required Android version is now Android 4.1 (API level 16)
  • removed isItalic and isBold getters from OcrChar class
    • they always returned false, since OCR engine cannot accurately detect that
  • removed setLineGroupingEnabled and isLineGroupingEnabled from BlinkOCREngineOptions because disabling line grouping completely destroyed the OCR accuracy
  • added GermanIDCombinedRecognizer: scans front and back side of the German ID