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Running BlockServer

jython234 edited this page Jan 3, 2015 · 5 revisions

#Ways to run There are a few ways to run BlockServer. Most of them will be documented here.

Building with Maven

The best way to get BlockServer, is to get the latest source code from our repo and compile it using Maven. I put together this little guide to help you compile. Also, in order to run the following libraries must be found in a directory named "lib":

  • Apache Log4j2 (log4j-api-2.0-rc1.jar, and log4j2-core-2.0-rc1.jar).
  • BlockServer-IOLib (Can be downloaded here).

Before building:

First you must have maven installed. You can find out installation instructions here. Also, make sure you have a fresh copy of BlockServer. You can get that here. You must also have Oracle's JDK installed (preferably Java 7). I will not go over how to install that here, a quick google search will help that (if you're too lazy to use google, click here).

Building and running:

Before starting to build, check that you have maven installed correctly by doing:

mvn -version

If it pops up and gives you the version, then it is working well. Finally, we can start with our building. Excited huh? Well all you need to do is type in:

mvn package

in the root directory of your BlockServer clone. Then it should provide you with a folder named "target". Open that up and you will have a JAR of BlockServer, and the required libraries! Just make sure all the stuff in "target" stays with the JAR, or else it will not run.

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